
Hold it…

You're absolutely right, Ciirce. And I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this. In fact, a lot of the reviewers here at the A.V. Club have… "issues" when it comes to focus and recognition. (Not to mention typos, sentence structure, and just some blatant grammatical problems - but that's for another time.) This

Honestly, Joshua Alston, I'm sick of this PC bullshit about a "Magical Negro." Who cares? Seriously… who the fuck cares if that character is black? Would you care if it was a wise, old Asian man? That sounds too stereotypical, I'm sure. Does he HAVE to be white for you not to be offended? Your insistence on his

Why would Homeland need to "turn down" Carrie's struggle with mental illness? First off, it's one of the central reasons for Homeland's existence (brilliant counter-terrorism officer and her struggle with bi-polar disorder). Secondly… it's a mental illness, a$$hole. It wasn't created in a writer's room or on some set

That's a fair point, but I think it only reinforces mine. Occasional spellcheck lapses are understandable, but it seems like most of the issues are lazy grammatical errors. Which is also understandable if you're firing off a few reviews late at night after the shows air (if you haven't already seen the screener and

Man I really wish Joshua Alston knew the difference between "lead" and "led." I really wish most of the writers on here didn't skip that basic grammar class, or at least could act as their own personal editor or proofreader. It's a great site, but when you have so many grammatical and/or spelling mistakes it just

I thought the exact same thing, except it was "buddy." Man, I'm gonna miss Strike Back. It knew exactly what it wanted to be and did it better than anyone else.

I can totally believe that the daughter of a hippie/California pseudo-cult leader would be named Antigone. I don't understand how you can't. Maybe you need to get out more. Also, this coming from somebody named Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya? Huh. Interesting.