Sheikh Djibouti


Can't believe you didn't ask about the defining role of his career, as the guy who gives Navin Johnson a ride in The Jerk.

Time Bandits is the better movie, though I have to admit it does lack the sight of a young Uma Thurman standing naked on a big old clam.

Does anybody else
ever refer to her a Miniature Driver, or is that just me?

I think I need a definition on "going Anthony Michael Hall." Because if Michael Cera hasn't been going full Anthony Michael Hall since he was on Arrested Development, what the hell else would you call it?

The Super Bowl? People watch that? Okay, I'll believe 111 million TVs were ON, and maybe they were all left on that channel, but was anyone actually WATCHING them?

Big Fish
is the movie Spalding Gray saw before he killed himself. I've always assumed it drove him to it.

Hew was great in
Time Bandits.

Hillary Swank and Matt Damon playing the same part in alternating shots. I still can't remember which one of them was in Boys Don't Cry.

I'm Disappointed…
…to learn that this article is not about Tom Hanks having a late-in-life child and starting a new rap career.

Jim Anchower would make an awesome James Bond. With Jason Mewes as Felix Leitner.

The Tryptophan Hangover
Isn't that the name of the new Harlan Kane thriller?

Well, there is that one scene in Trainspotting.

Does anyone else think it should be pronounced "He-LOO-vah?"

Has that Jackoff guy mentioned yet that in Soviet Union, TV watches you?

Yeah, and a Montreal Anglo like Shatner can't properly be said to speak with ANY kind of French-Canadian accent.

Rash in a lap.

Sorry, I meant John C. Reilly.

Maybe he could cover it with Joaquin Phoenix.

I don't see how this could possibly turn out badly.
I mean, look how successful the original one was, and they didn't even TRY to make it good!