Craig Ranapia

Who knows? OTOH, why would Barnabus spare a moment's thought on Clarice's nymph squad of angst-ridden poor little Caprican rich-girls? I got the sense that he's intrigued enough by Lacy's chutzpah to want to string her along a little further, but I doubt he knows — let alone cares — who Zoe is. Every war has

Ah, those damn hysterical Taurons. It makes perfect business sense to me that if you're trying to establish yourself in the richest and most powerful of the Twelve Colonies — despite the disability of being a damn "dirt-eater" — well, time to open a front in the PR war and become the new owner of the C-Bucks from the

Nope to Amanda being Zoe' step-mother. Remember the little pep talk she gave Daniel in 'There is Another Sky' about when she was pregnant with Zoe, they were living in a crappy apartment and Daniel made his first big deal?

Re: the last scene. First, I've got to say kudos to both Stoltz and John Pyper-Ferguson for some really nice under-acting. Wouldn't like to be playing high stakes poker with either man. :)

magnusbarfod wrote:
No, I get it, and why it would work both as a character move and as a dramatic move, I'm just saying I don't want it to happen.

Reusing sets? The BSG sets were being demolished, quite literally, as soon as 'The Plan' wrapped — I think it's just a subtle little visual shout out, which shouldn't be any surprise since production designer Richard Hudolin and FX supervisor Gary Hutzel are BSG vets.

I'd also point out that the Cylon War lasted twelve and a half years. Even after forty years, I don't think re-plastering Caprica City in Jumbo-trons would have been a big priority. Anyway, it's useful visual shorthand for portraying a world at the height of it's wealth and power, blithely unaware that it's hurtling

Especially when Vergis isn't exactly hard on the eyes…


There's also a very fine line between pushing boundaries and knocking viewers out of the story by (figuratively speaking) jamming your fingers down the viewers throats and making them puke. Seriously, would CGI gore have added anything to an already hellishly creepy scene? Don't think so, any more than getting

OK, I've got a serious question here: Would 'Caprica' get half as much shit about "being slow and boring" and not having any "sympathetic characters" if it wasn't SF? (I know kicking SyFy is the only politically correct blood sport left, but let's give credit where it's due — BSG and Caprica have gone a lot of places

Alurin. I'm also bemused by BSG/Caprica's supposed "right-wing" bias. Let's look at what we've seen so far.

Damn right — someone who has the stones to cuckold his biggest competitor doesn't strike me as a man with a live-and-let-live nature, or without favours of his own to call in with the Ha'la'tha. Put a pair of dirt-eating war orphans up against perhaps the richest and most powerful legit Tauron businessman on Caprica

@alurin: It's actually a pretty efficient way to raise the stakes and start pulling together a number of plot strands.

Ah, I get what you were driving at. I think a lot of SF is deeply ambivalent about what people do with technology, which is a very different beast from being a neo-Luddite. After all, knives aren't evil — its when someone picks up a knife and stabs someone to death that I've got issues.

Depends on your point of view. I'm not clinically psychotic — i.e. I can distinguish between fantasy and reality — but you don't have to be a far-right wing prude to ask yourself whether degradation & torture (or V-Club human sacrifices) served up as entertainment are entirely healthy.


At the moment, the major characters aren't facing any real RISKS.

1) You do realise Daniel was making it up as he went along? While he's going to be getting some serious nookie from Amanda, I can't imagine the shareholders being too pleased.

One thing I've always wondered about Project Runway is how a lot of contestants would function in the real live fashion industry where you have to play well with others, deliver wearable designs when you've been given a design brief, and just choke on the bullshit attitude around people you actually depend on to stay