Craig Ranapia

I can Guess why they've never done a kidswear challenge?
After all, it's an exercise that forces the designers out of their comfort zones. Well, so was the maternity wear challenge last season, and I really could have lived without the sight of contestants acting as if being pregnant was somewhere between a

I'm waiting for the revelation that Tauron grandmothers traditionally feed on the blood of their most disappointing descendants…

Tauron Parenting Scares Me…
Am I the only person who thinks Granny Adama needs to be put in a maximum security retirement home now? The vengeful old bat is great fun to watch, but I wouldn't let her near my children without a ten pound sack of garlic close at hand…

I don't think anyone was naive enough to think the "Starbuck's a MAN, MooreRon!"or "Daybreak raped my eyeballs" crowd were ever going to give 'Caprica' a break. Their loss.

@Julie Delpys Lipstick: You can certainly put a Christian reading on it — and I'm not surprised many have, coming from a cultural context where Christianity is the dominant form of monotheism in their experience.

I've been knows to hug my female friends, and have even gone to one or two dodgy nightclubs and held their handbags while they're off in a dark corner swapping DNA with a man-skank— does that make a hawt lesbian? :)

Also, to over-geek it, the First Cylon War lasted twelve and a half years (according to the extended cut of 'Razor'). Apart from an entirely understandable suspicion of pre-war high tech, I also have the sneaking suspicion that things like e-paper and holo-bands were hardly a priority for the reconstruction.