
Recently rewatched True Detective with my partner who was seeing it for the first time. I was just as hooked as she was for the first season; It holds up very well. Season 2 got pretty stale though.

In A World…where In A World isn't one of the best comedies since 2000….

One day ill get around to watching all the "notes about nothing" on the dvd's. Until then this will have to suffice.

Oh yea? Well I slept with your wife!

Prediction: Hank and Gomie die, the ricin is for Todd, Walt and Jesse throw down for the finale

The description of the beekeeper he related to an author (?) something like a "truly sincere and good person who would feel bad thoughts-even if they were validated-and refuse to let them take over." I wish I had written it down.

I will construct the first vaginal-shaped rocket that will make it to the moon.

BEARDS: for when you're too obese to have a jaw and chin.

Reading the comments has actually broadened my scope of the episode. Bravo. I like that he is delving into more serious subject matter, but I didn't care about the girl, and the connection between her and the comedian was contrived. The beginning standup was spot-on, but focusing on his niece who had no personality or

I stumbled across Louie on Netflix. I had seen his 'Hilarious' standup on there as well and figured I would give it a chance. Boy was I glad I did. Louie is unlike anything I've ever seen. That first season was near perfect. I haven't found season 2 to be as funny, but I am willing to forgive that because he is going