Burt Macklin FBI

Even the challenge that wasn't about salami yielded some decent dick jokes! That's quality television right there. Very little race drama this episode, so it was fun to see multiple teams implode. After it became clear that Kentucky wasn't going to catch up, I was actively rooting for a non-elim leg even more than I

This is the first time I've seen Sean Hayes in something where he wasn't playing a mincing stereotype. Gotta say, I liked it.

This show has mined plenty of material from video games, and MMORPGs in particular. These guys would be stoked about about SW:TOR anyway (I myself did a marathon session at a friend's as part of Super Bowl pregaming). I woudl say that the product placement here was far less egregious than the Age of Conan episode from

"Autocorrect. I was trying to say pen organizer."

Whiteboard list of possible contents of Dwight's treasure:

The entertainment landscape in this nation of ours was damn bleak in the 80s. I remember watching this show in syndication on the weekends as a child and thinking "Wow, this is crap." Yet seven days later, there I am, watching it again.

Speaking of melons, I did gain an appreciation for Rachel this episode.

I have my "Troy and Abed in the Morning" mug already. Perd Hapley got nothing to offer me.

I will read your Kevin+Andy slash fiction, good sir.

Did you say Pan?

You got sex hair! You got it from me!
You got sex hair! You got it from me!

I was really looking forward to the options of insufferability made possible by a phrase like "18-hour bus ride" but, dang, those coaches looked nice. You couldn't get that nice a long-haul bus in the U.S.

I will spend the rest of my life trolling Portland supporters by calling them the Timberwoves. DTID!

My rule of thumbs is that the better a band name is as a band name, the crappier the music is likely to be. Works the other way; for example, worst band name ever? Wilco.

The stuff that gets past S&P can be amazing.

She has large boobs.


Who's Violet Brown?

I don't get the minus in this grade. I was halfway through the episode and thinking "EPIC-wait for it-dary!"

Ugh, Britta's the worst.