Burt Macklin FBI

2.5 Men? Granted in that one instance, but even that show has typically had an A and B story for the brothers and will likely continue to do so.

Guys may be capable of not knowing whether they had sex or just a handjob, but I doubt it. With a woman as skinnny as Kaley Cuoco there's going to be bruising or soreness from repeated impact hith her hipbone. Though perhaps Raj doesn't have the experience to know that (can we assume that Raj is a virgin?).

When was the last time a network sitcom ran a three-act, one-storyline relic like this? If this were Tyler Perry's Whitney (or 1985), it might have been good.

Let's just leave it at that.

If a group of space aliens with no prior contact with humanity were hired to write a sit-com, it would look a lot like this. Only funnier.

It's when you pour the ketchup from one bottle into another, so that you can put a full bottle on each table. Since restaurants pay for ketchup and patrons don't, you want to make sure you only toss a bottle when it's completely empty.

Know who he is, couldn't recall his name immediately, too lazy to look it up.

There's a massive unresolved issue that I've never even seen addressed. We know the gang graduated Wesleyan together in 2001 and moved to NYC together soon after (we've seen Marshall and Ted unpacking together). Yet when the story begins in 2005, Marshall is a second-year law student. We have no idea what Marshall was

Who says marry the ketchups? Um, anyone who's ever pulled a shift waiting tables.

Would you believe us if we said the whole thing is a TV remake of Of Mice And Men with Brooklyn instead of California, cute white chicks instead of transient farmhands, and cupcakes instead of rabbits?

You are correct. Underneath that, it reads 4-8-15-16-23-42.

They're running out of time. If Ted were to meet and impregnate The Mother tomorrow, the elder child would be 18 in 2030. If you want to dilly around with a meeting, courtship, engagement, and then knock the broad up you better hurry in order to end up with those kids.

Best HIMYM in two years. Loved that the same mustache guy was in all the wedding videos, then appears as a fellow groomsman. Loved Cobie Smulders, who looks hotter than ever during the dance sequence. Loved the sight of the duckie tie in what I'm assuming is Atlantic City. The reappearance of Victoria was a genuine

The final scene, dated one year later, shows both girls dead in the apartment. The rest of the show we should watch for subtle clues to ID the killer.

Love how they hyped the cashier as the hippest guy in the world (He'll make you feel whiter than you already are) then his next two lines referenced Schwarzenegger and Steven Hawking. Because that's what the cool kids are into these days. Guess we know what will be making way for yet another midseason return of Rules

Sara Underwood makes my pants fit funny.

For three years they had a show where the chick from the Terminator was hooking up with a feline sewer mutant. Man, the 80s were all kinds of fucked up.

Figured it's either the grandeur of GC, the inaccessibility of Penn, or an inside nod to those of us who know our way around Manhattan (if not all three).