
I haven't seen every episode of this show, and I'm pretty ambivalent towards it at this point.

I never heard this Christmas song before and found it to be a pleasant enough recording, but watching the video, I was distracted by the pokey guitar strings waving about the whole time.

We'll always have Teamocil, at least.

Well his credentials probably are.

OK, does FairyTale!EvilQueen always have those two wispy bang bits forming a circle on her forehead? What the hell was going on there??

Shame the same can't be said for Ginnefer Goodwin's wig, which is still having some big issues acting like real hair….

Not to mention that Kevin from How I Met Your Mother seems to be in a pretty dependent relationship with Robin at this point. He wouldn't even let her confess to cheating, so he could rationalize them staying together.

Yea, are we to believe these characters would make s'mores with "grim crackers" too? Well maybe the Evil Queen…

Was the glass coffin in the "D'oh! Henry's stuck in a mine!" episode? I vaguely remember something being in the mine, but I'll be honest, I don't pay that much attention to this show sometimes, haha.

And the fact they have to combine them with a fucking product plug makes them that much worse. Didn't you make enough from Jack and Jill this season, producers?

"Before we begin deliberation, will you allow me to guide us through some tai chi breathing exercises and a group prayer?

Yea, same. This was a lot funnier than Survivor for me, although Coach and Brandon are both crazier than anyone on this show.

*Shrug* well I thought it was ok. Not the perfect episode by any means, and I agree that season 3 is paling in comparison to 1 and 2, but it was entertaining enough until Happy endings came on. Yes, that comes across as pretty blase to the whole thing, but frankly that's how I've felt about Modern Family all season.

Are you sure Jeff wasn't talking to himself?

OK yall, numbers are dwindling. Who wants to make some survivor predictions?

I think the producers have been rigging this thing in Ozzy's favor. If he had one fricken puzzle game, he'd be out. Looks like that's next week though, so who knows. Edna might not be out of this thing yet.

I'm just going to pretend she said cock, ok? That's a way more horrifying image IMO.

Yea that song's inclusion was almost worth it for Kurt mouthing "What are you doingggg" to Blaine.

But the kids weren't a hallucination. She wasn't sitting in the bar with the gang watching her not there kids smack Ted on the head with wiffle bats (however amusing that would have been).

How great would it have been if it turned out to be Bob Saget doing a female voice, and the whole episode was future!Ted trying to write some sort of weird meta fanfiction?