
Yea I agree about Garrison Keillor. Highlight of the sketch for me.

You mean the arc where Barney opens a mine themed club called "The Strippin Hole"  where all the dancers have to dress like slutty miners, and he tries to have sex with as many of them as possible? Well it would have been funny if Ted hadn't mistakenly hired minors as miners. D'oh!

After a few episodes I was somewhat ambivalent towards (with the exception of the great "End of the World"), I think tonight's was a return to form. The A, B, and C plots were all great, and all offered opportunities for some foreword momentum with the characters. The best episodes of this show are the ones I can

Yes, and then Jeff gets a terrible hair cut and it just loses it's magic after that.

Except it's on WEDNESDAYS at 8pm on CBS.

It'll be really good until the season where a love story between two competitors is introduced, and the producers allow both to win. After that the edge will be totally gone.

Dawn, Fawn, Bon, and Don all rhyme to me! What kind of coal cracker dialect to I have?!

What would it sound like exactly? Would "Dawn" sound more like "Dan"?

Yea I agree he has a pretty good strategy going, but the way the other members of the tribe react to him still gives me a creepy cult vibe.

Coach totally has the cult leader vibe going for him. He might have out-placed Brandon as biggest creep this season.

People pronounce "Dawn" and "Don" differently? I'm trying to think of an accent that would make that possible

Yes, this 100%

You mean my voice?

Whatever it was, my heart *melted*.

No, I completely agree, and that's why them using "I Kissed a Girl" is so enraging (this is assuming it will be used the way I am suspecting it will be, having not seen the episode yet).

I liked dodgeball because unlike the hell on earth that was the mash-up of football and basketball our gym teachers seemed to love having us play, I was in total control of how long I stayed in the game. If i started getting winded or tired, I would take a hit and sit down.

As much as I found the dodgeball scene dumb, seeing Naya in that tight black t-shirt and black shorts…. I wasn't complaining.

It seems like a strange choice to be recommending Glee tonight based on Naya's screen time, when next week seems to be her "big episode", her coming out to her parents and whatnot. Does this just mean I get two episodes where i don't have to wait for Brittana for the whole episode instead of being forced to suffer

Has Ted ever referred to Lily and Marshall as "Aunt and Uncle"? I can't seem to remember.

Yea he's obviously pretty desperate to stay with Robin. Also, does it seem like he has no friends to you? Yea Nora sometimes hung out with the group, but no where near as much as Kevin does. I feel like he's really invested in having a girlfriend and being part of a group of friends, and will pretty much say anything