Stewart Turkeylink

I thought that one put you in the couch. Hmm.

I was going through the comments, thinking that I'd post just exactly this. Thanks for solving that problem for me, and for safety sakes, fully agreed.

That Triangle-esque beginning was the tits. So awesome.

I love meta shit like this. And I love that even more people hate it. Sure, we all allow Community to do it, but to hell when others do their versions.

I love meta shit like this. And I love that even more people hate it. Sure, we all allow Community to do it, but to hell when others do their versions.

That's it. In a relationship, they changed in character enough to make them less than they were.

We did want this back in season one, when it seemed cool and interesting. Then they got together and it didn't work. Both as characters and due to uninspired, bad writing (and I love this show, faults and all, but that pairing was poorly written). They are great friends, as are Ted and Robin, but the romantic pairings

I liked the Captain Fucking Magic shout out to Corbin Bernsen. Makes me want to watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang again.

Exactly, the Losties were together even when they hated each other. This group hates each other and themselves in equal measure, which means we do to. I fucking love Lost, disappointing end and all, but this show, which I enjoy enough I guess, is learning at such a slow pace. By season 8 however, we may have the

This show wants to be Lost so hard. Instead of learning from the mistakes and embracing the success of that show, it's decided to embrace the mistakes and incorporate none of the success.

Wasn't this episode wonderful? I mean, only the last 30 seconds, and really just the last 15 because I thought the show would pussy out on two things tonight, but that finale almost made up for the rest of the episode (which is akin to many other episodes). And I was writing somewhere else that Dale needed to be

Chardee MacDennis. Greatest game ever…or so I hope should I ever get the chance to play it.

Pete's getting it done. I reckon we make a stand in the next season or two. That said, we've been down that road before, so I probably just talking out of my ass (much in the same way Jim Carrey did in Ace Ventura…see, I can make untimely-loosely-football-related-pop-culture jokes, my mom would be so proud).

Leave us alone. We win occasionally. And even when we don't win, in our hearts we always do. We learned this after that Superbowl, you just have to pretend the outcome is what you want it to be. Its a gift.

And the Party Down poster on the message board next to the model UN poster. Right? Right? I know you guys got the same boner I did.

Take, Take, Take by The White Stripes. So awesome.

No, I can support Party Down as well, though I'd go for some of the others first. But this is already a better list.

In case I did not make it clear, I meant to say that Community and Parks are the better shows. They kick Glee's ass, and Modern Family, while I disagree on it being boring, isn't as fast paced and consistent. So Community (my newest love) and Parks (which might as well be a new season because the first can be

Or Community or Parks and Recreation, two comedies better than either (I really do enjoy Modern Family, and I enjoy Glee). But those two are consistently funny and better written when offered up in comparison. Not that it will happen, but I will dream for those real underachievers, the Community gang and the misfits

But you were a great number 2.