
my guess is the senator to whom the diamonds belonged were being used as blackmail/leverage by caspere, chessani, rest of the bad guys. the missing girl escort found out about the diamonds and things went south. dixon was probably checking the pawn shops to see if the missing girl had tried to sell the diamonds. when

it was much more obvious to the audience but ani and paul were still in the dark and needed a scene showing them figuring out that dixon is more than a wet brained drunk but also very dirty and probably set up the whole shoot out that killed lots of cops, innocent people and dixon himself.

breaking bad had the advantage of walter and jesse being newbs, like the viewer, so they needed shit explained to them, like the drug business and money laundering.

not totally clear about the diamonds but i think the important point was that Ani and Paul now realizing that Dixon was working for the bad guys.

i'm enjoying this season very much. everyone spazzing out about what the show isn't doing, they're missing all the excellent shit it is doing.

great line. useful in many different life situations.

i completely lost my shit on this line. Brett Gelman was fucking outstanding.

yes, Avatar does suck.

hey buddy, enough with the cops already

then he got to fat and now Stannis has a Panis

this guy fucks

the zoo technician whimpering in the background was a great bit.

From out of Nowhere sounds like Loverboy? What the fuck are you talking about, Modell? not even in the close. try again.

i remember watching that show and being like, whoa, those are some nice, bewbs.

not so much an oral history as just a history, or, as they were called back in my day, an article.

you know there is a hypothesis that most of the events of this movie are just figments of Cameron's imagination. everything but the part where Ferris just jumps on a float during a city wide parade and starts singing and everyone is super chill with it. that part was fucking real.

Sandler was one of the best parts of Airheads, a nice underrated movie in which Lemme exclaims that he was the editor of his high school newspaper.

you didn't like his band, God's Cock?

we don't have all the freedoms you enjoy in China

ok thanks for leveling with me.