Spoken like truly like a person who has no idea what he's talking about through a severe Marvel bias.
Spoken like truly like a person who has no idea what he's talking about through a severe Marvel bias.
Please. Yes. Thank you.
This comic is so shitty (as is all of Hickman's work) and I can't believe you're even giving it the time of day. It's almost as if this writer has an insane anti-DC bias………..HMMM
The whole season was terrific, but the twist in "Space" and the aftermath might have been the hardest I've laughed at anything all year.
Well, the writer of this article was…
Hah! He's back next season. Good job having terrible taste and I hope he's on the show even more, just to make people like you angry.
Don't you know this is the Internet?! Freaking out about nothing with no actual perspective is par for the course.
Yeah, and that's exactly why the humor was so quickly and entirely absorbed by the internet — because it's so internet-y.
Agreed. Playing that "game" just made me angry at everyone I knew who was gushing about how it was this amazing, meaningful, experience of art or whatever-the-fuck.
I found Portal's humor to be much more "internet-y", random, whatever you want to call it. It's very strange that you lumped in The Stanley Parable, a game that's leagues beyond everything else you mentioned in terms of writing.
You sound like a real piece of shit, I tell ya what.
No matter what you think of the rest, Marshall and Lily KILLED IT in this episode. It's great to see them back in such strong form before the finale.
I have to strongly disagree. I love Jensen Ackles and Supernatural too, but that plot was, in my opinion, the worst plot of the entire show and it went on FOREVER. It just drags and drags and drags on for the whole season and none of it even matters and just UGH
Good thing that's not even close to what's going on here! Go masturbate with your gun.
People who complain about firearm inaccuracy in TV/movies are truly the scum of the earth
It's really, really hit-or-miss (probably mostly miss to be honest) for the whole series, but they start to finally embrace the comics mythology a lot more around season…5 maybe? So that's fun to watch. The best I could recommend if you don't want to watch the whole thing is look at some short episode summaries and…
Adding to that: The Power is On, Get It Together, Grip Like A Vice, Titanic Vandalism.
What a nice outlook to have.
I'm sorry for your wrongness.