Patton Fucking Oswalt

Is this movie set in the 50's?
I'm getting a segregation era vibe off of that photo. And frankly, it's making me fucking uncomfortable.

I hope this one make's…
Tyler Perry's Top 50 Tyler Perry Movies of 2008 list. Oh wait, he's not in this one? FUCK IT, THEN!

Yeah, that's what the fuck I'm talkin' about…
We have your motherfuckin' record company surrounded . Put down the candy and let the little boy go….

I've only got my yellow belt in Patton, but I'm learning…

If this motherfucker…
uses the word "records"one more time and I happen to be within spitting distance, you can bet he's getting a fucking rock thrown straight at his temple. King of Queens style!

I hope to fucking God…
…that they included the one where the dick licker hides under the kiddie pool. Them's good watchin!

how did these pussy MTV motherfuckers
get Ride The Lightning onto their fucking Ipods? When I purchased my Ipod fucking Nano it said specifically on page 3 of the instruction booklet "do not attempt to upload pre-1991 era Metallica onto this fucking Ipod or it will fucking explode into a glittery ball of electricity