Captain Hygiene

No, no it's not. I guess there are some shows on there that you can't stream anywhere else, but I've never felt so cheated by a paid service. Not only do you still get ads, I'm convinced you get more of them and they're longer, since Hulu Plus tries to start throwing in 'personalized' commercials tailored to your

My thoughts exactly. I liked quite a bit of it, but (like many of his works) felt like he could have finished it up much more strongly if an editor had forced him to trim it down by a third or so.

Rooms presents a series of interactions where people, alive and
dead, talk past each other, miscommunicate, or struggle to reveal what
they really feel

Also, Sebulba's available to guest star if needed.

To be fair, Garfield Minus Garfield is the single greatest thing to happen to comics in the last decade.

All that photo means is that AMOK is buy-one-get-one-free, this week only.

OK, I guess I have to forgive U2 for existing because it resulted in that.

I miss the days when the music conspiracies were about which artist was secretly dead. I'd be more entertained if the theory was that Thom Yorke had died during the "No Surprises" shoot, and the code on the In Rainbows artwork represented part of the program keeping him alive as the group's virtual songwriter and

The difference is, I'd buy an iPhone just so I could delete a U2 album off of it, but I'd at least consider having a Radiohead album injected into my DNA.

I'll be honest, the Airbag/15 Step transition made me think it might actually be something legit. But then it went nowhere, aside from maybe one other nice one (Paranoid Android/Bodysnatchers I think?) which is probably par for the course or less for any two random great albums shuffled together.

Yeah, In Rainbows is actually my favorite of their albums, so it was a bit disappointing to have a couple of merely OK ones afterwards. The trick seems to be me finding out about the new album on the day it's released, which might be hard to do for this one.

Great job, pre-internet!

The sad thing is, the game is so cinematic that it could make for some fantastic movie scenes. Just not filtered through Hollywood.

Sunday Night Football Infinite

I completely agree that Goodbyeee is a tremendous episode, and I usually shy away from things that mix goofy humor and tragedy (see M*A*S*H, for which I bear an irrational dislike). I'd need to go back and watch the entire series again to decide if it's my favorite episode, but it's certainly way up there.

Unless Tony was mortally wounded and the only way to save him was to build him into a Robocop-esque Mafia enforcer.

He's really not dead, as long as we remember him.

Apologies to Sean O'Neal, who wrote a great article, but her anguish at losing the buy who's “employed, Jewish, in his 30s and that’s pretty much ideal” made me laugh harder than anything. She should be writing for the next Seinfeld-esque TV comedy or something.

This is all well and good, but I'll always be a bit sad that this season doesn't follow my interpretation of the original teased announcements and take place on the Moon.

You're Reaching a Bit, Internet!