Captain Hygiene

I honestly wondered several times if Zoe Saldana was reacting to the makeup or something, she just seemed so off. I wish she and Karen Gillan had switched characters - Gillan was so much more lively and entertaining even though she probably had 10% of Saldana's screen time.

I agree overall, but I'd switch 3 & 4 (both of which I do still like). Both were a ways below the first two, but S3 still had more all-time memorable gags. While I remember quite a few of the S4 episodes fondly overall, I struggle to remember many specific quotes or jokes (ANUSTART excepted).

Careful, ABC - one more cancelled show, and the seven can unite their power to return from the void and destroy your network forever.

Much like your mooooooooooooooooom

I don't know, I kind of like the Mario Tennis glitches. It takes your standard competent Mario sports game and adds new layers to make it interesting. It starts off with things like the ball making a square shadow, providing subtle hints that all may not be quite right in the Matrix. Then you start to notice things

I'm fine with this. I don't think S4 was on par with the original run, but it was quite a lot better than having no more Arrested Development. I appreciated the fact (whether due to necessity or not) that it tried something new storytelling-wise, if nothing else. It was uneven, and didn't always work, but there was a

Yeah, I phrased that poorly.

You suck, Internet!

You're right, that's almost eerie. Now I kind of want a comedy version of Dog Day Afternoon.

Enthusiasm: curbed.

And that's why I've devoted my life to sitting around at home doing nothing.

They didn't make 3D movies about it, so we don't know for sure that they actually went there.

Helen, you are one broad ass dame.

I really appreciate the fact that your username and post get right into it. Straight to the point, and it can't be argued against because there's nothing there to refute.

Rating this a B seems about right - I liked it, but didn't love it. It had a couple persistent problems. The acting was a pretty mixed bag, Zoe Saldana in particular wasn't up to par. I know she's a good enough actress, so I don't know what went wrong this time. It also seemed like the movie had trouble finding a

I knew I should've gone with laserdisc.

VCR? Surely time being a flat circle is better represented by a DVD.

And I guess having an extremely punchable face might also be a plus for a film like this.

Or a Tristram Shandy-esque misadventure about this (hopefully) doomed attempt to remake The Raid.

I came in here ready to gripe about Taylor Lautner, then realized I had subconsciously inserted him into the news story since I have no idea who Taylor Kitsch is. I don't have an opinion anymore, but dammit, I still want to complain!