Captain Hygiene

This family game night thing just got a lot more interesting!

Some years back, my brother and I wrote and illustrated our our own comedy versions of the Community Chest and Chance cards. They're full of dumb ideas (ranging from exaggerations of the normal cards to randomly trading cash and property between players), but turn the game into a hilariously unbalanced battle where

I haven't seen the movie yet, but my hope was that he'd be full-on Skeletor.

Ha, I blazed right past that. "Thanks, AV Club comments section!"

I really hope it was stopped at the T-800 wang scene.

For all we know, Anakin stole Threepio and murdered Tony Stark, then lied about creating the robot.

Using my new metric for judging unnecessary movie length (thanks to the great We Hate Movies podcast), that's almost ten minutes longer than the original release of Star Wars, a movie that literally created and fleshed out an entire new universe we'd never seen before.

Lyman did have a tiny cameo as a photo in a newspaper Jon was reading a year or so ago (I'm still trying to decide whether that meant that he became incredibly famous or incredibly infamous after leaving the Arbuckle household. Leaning towards the latter)

Garfield without thought balloons is good, and probably applies to more of the comic strips overall, but absolutely nothing beats the sheer pathos and/or insanity of a well-chosen Garfield Minus Garfield. The fact that there's nothing for Jon to react to in the latter moves it into a different realm entirely from the

Or, you could save syllables elsewhere, e.g.:
I think FX's TV remake of Fargo is not needed.

It was decent enough that I'll follow it for a few episodes and see how it's trending. Honestly, my biggest problem was that it felt like it was constructed entirely from odds and ends of old Stephen King/Dean Koontz stories that I half-remember (Firestarter for one, maybe others). For something so hyped up, nothing

Presumably the last few minutes leading up to the discovery are a montage set to "Gonna Fly Now".

I'm just going to be an orb, not really malevolent, just dickishly getting in the way of people's photos.

After seeing the header image, all I can think of is the director yelling "No! No! MORE constipated!" at the beleaguered effects crew.


The studio audience laughs, just a few seconds too long, and just a bit too forcefully. You're not sure, but you sense a hint of desperation, almost of panic, in their levity. During the next episode, the laughter now rings hollow, and it sounds like a small but noticeable portion of the audience is missing. You feel

Look, I know that punching kids is bad. But come on….that picture.

Now there's a movie I'd watch.

And he did it all without leaving a scrap of evidence. Mr. Rogers, truly our greatest black ops hero.

Boards of Canada was never the same after Mr. Rogers left.