Captain Hygiene

And now I'll be left wondering forever if the header image is a searcher or a result.

I've always found it weird how the "trope" concept seemed to sprout up online - it almost felt like everyone on the internet collectively decided in the space of a day or two that they must work the word into every possible discussion, and it's always bugged the heck out of me.

Hopefully the first season's arc will be about tracking down and arresting whoever came up with the Doge meme.

Well, now I want Better Call Saul to be a faux late-night talk show.

The only false note in this episode was not going with "Like a beef in the night" for the slogan.

The more I hear about Ice-T lately, the more I'm convinced that he's secretly been replaced by Paul F. Tompkins' Ice-T character.

Hollywood immediately activates contingencies disavowing any knowledge of Tom Cruise's actions or connections with him as a person.

My first thought was Stuart Gordon, but either one would be okay with me.

Well, at least we can slowly work to even the wealth gap over the years by buying plenty of McNuggets.

I came so close to proving I was equivalent to rich people based on this statement.

I do like this show better than you seem to - while I recognize it's very much built on the Parks and Rec template, it gets a big boost for my for the sheer likability of the actors and how much fun they seem to be having. It's just too much fun for me to dislike it.

With the exception of Girls (which I haven't watched), I felt like Brooklyn Nine-Nine was running against shows that have all stayed on too long past their prime. In that sense, I agree with the award, even if I don't think that the show is the best comedy currently on the air.

Well, hopefully Christianity will work out better for him than the Force did.

Well, at least the origin story's out of the way now, giving Season 2 a much better chance. Maybe bring in a worthy supervillain to match wits/gymnastic skills.

Yeah, the ending is dumb but it's one of the few movies I've seen to genuinely creep me out (helped in large part by the fact that it was apparently written based on almost every irrational fear I had as a child).

Police Lieutenant: "Well, Denham, the airplanes got him."

My version of Labor of Love has Bruce Willis slowly growing fatter and more dissolute in the months following his wife's death, with the ending twist being that he's carried his wife's unborn child to term as the best way to carry on her memory.

The Grammies would be so much more respected overall if the trophies were actually functional, and they gave out tiny little records that you could play on them.

Although he does seem to have some lazy nipple going on.

The trademark office never should've put the OK button so close to the No, that's stupid button.