Captain Hygiene

And last year's news stories about the Polish vampire cemeteries suddenly make sense.

Haha, I had that happen, too. Fortunately, I'd just randomly decided to look the particular character up immediately before watching the episode where their true nature was revealed, so my disgust didn't have too long to last.

Sadness, isolation and domestic violence confront an African-American suicide bomber and a gay singer in 1960s Miami

But the one with shorter sleeves is the real one!

I'm envisioning a much more interesting film now, in which the villain is literally the film's director. How can Jack Ryan win…when the movie itself is changing to attack him?

In my mind, this ended with a guard shooting the fake Adkins, while the real one is beamed into rehab just in time to avoid the same fate.

Headline from May 14, 1950: "Dr. von Braun Says Rocket Flights Possible to Moon"

Speaking from experience, or just inferring?

I knew the sandcrawler was a miniature, but it's just so cute there!

Come to think of it, I really would enjoy some scenes of Bruce swimming in a pool full of money, or building furniture out of stacks of cash, because he can't be bothered to do anything about Gotham's poverty or crime.

Then they could completely flip the genre conventions by revealing in the last episode that it's actually a prequel to the '60s Batman series, as Bruce's character arc leads him from sullen, brooding loner to campy, square-jawed do-gooder.

I know, I wanted to hate it, but it reminded me how much I still like the film. So I only ended up giving it 98% of my disdain.

Ending the series at the point the protagonist becomes interesting. I like it.

She really is just like you and me, you know? Except for being a movie star and making quite a few millions of dollars.

The Golden Globes, the "Oh, that's today?" of award ceremonies.

I thought the movie was generally pretty great for most of its running time, but I don't remember the last time I saw a good movie nosedive so quickly as this one did during the big ending scene.

Well, at least we'll know who shot first.

Look, I generally respect other people's opinions on what's "appropriate" to use as humor, but really…ride alongs? That's just insensitive. I mean, look at what happened with that guy who went on a ride along just for fun, and ultimately ended up destroying his own family by getting caught up in the drug trade. I'm

Because they got divorced