Captain Hygiene

“[. . .] The moral of the story is: I chose a half season, when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again.” ~ Vince Gilligan

The Grey Matter storyline didn't seem to mean all that much until last year's Buyout, when Walt revealed it had been slowly eating at him for years. It was a major point in the character's development, to the point where he consistently tortures himself imagining what could have been if he had stayed in the company.

If Cranston doesn't win next year for Ozymandias, I'll eat my porkpie hat.

I felt like watching this just for the enjoyment of watching the inevitable trainwreck, but it just seemed like so much effort. Thank goodness for the internet.

Whatever you do, don't just watch the first and last episodes - I just don't think there's any way that the final episodes could really be appreciated without watching the characters develop over the course of the series. I avoided the series for years, but was hooked five minutes into the pilot and blazed through the

My brain defaults to reading the complaints in Hank Hill's voice, which makes them infinitely greater.

I hadn't heard Ted Beneke was getting his own show too.

Hopefully the final scene is just after Walt hires him for the first time. As he sits there alone in his office, he smiles and looks at the camera, saying "I've got a good feeling about this!"

No, but it includes a discrete one. Have at yourself!

Heck yeah, dancing around in an inflated hazmat suit here I come!

But does it? This article doesn't say anything either way, but another one I read (Huffington Post) mentions the series ending, implying that they're getting the final episodes on disc that soon after the ending date.

It refers to Rameses, who called upon white supremacists to do the dirty work of protecting his temples and monuments, and we all know how that turned out.

Many that live deserve slow motion headshots. Some that get slow motion headshots deserve life. Can you give it to them, @glengarryrickyross:disqus? Do not be too eager to deal out slow motion headshots in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.

I like how they still have to specify that unexpected things will happen on Breaking Bad by this point in the series. It makes me imagine someone saying "I was going to tune in, but it seemed like things would probably just happen according to plan" and watching a Duck Dynasty marathon or something instead.

I liked it because it let me hear some subtleties in the harmonies that aren't really apparent over the instruments in the full mix. It's just another way to appreciate the talent, something to supplement (not replace) the full versions.

That's fantastic, but man do I miss the brass section bursting in on "Carry That Weight". Most of the songs still work well with just the vocals, but the instruments really make that part.

Somehow all I can see this as is Lindsay Bluth launching a short music career to get back at Tobias.

Box quote!

I'm listening…

Looking into his eyes, you just know he had a brief glimpse two years into the future. He couldn't make everything out, but he saw enough.