The Moose with Loose Poops

It's also led to some beautiful art via rule bending, where they shape birds and landscapes out of arabic lettering.  I love it when deeply religion people convince themselves they aren't cheating.  Like the orthodox jewish industry dedicated to making all their stuff run by itself on Saturdays.

I already have mine.  The "Fight/Magic/Item/Run" menu from the original Final Fantasy, in white(flesh) pixelated text on blue pixelated background.  With the cursor on Magic, of course.

Wow, Paul Scheer - Tooth Gap + Hair = David Spade

I haven't seen The Shining since I was a kid, but can someone refresh what I thought was the weak part of the film for me?  Did the title thing, the fact that the kid was psychic, have basically nothing to do with the plot?  Like yeah, he's psychic and he summons that guy to the hotel, and that guy is immediately

Men, I now hate Captain Kirk and want him stuck in a lifepod and shot onto a planet which has a ridiculously good view of Vulcan despite apparently not being directly affected by it's destruction.

This is a weird example of the "look at these crazy foods" articles.  Usually they manage to squeeze in more 80s stuff, like Pepsi AM, and Hop 'n Gator (it's Gatorade with beer in it),

Pam and Malory was a three-way with the German duke that had the little nympho-daughter in season 2.

It's an old Penny-Arcade joke they were making about World of Warcraft, though.  I think the specific line was "Every night we are raped to sleep by the dickwolves."

Yeah, I love huge irritating brazilian families comprised of a bunch of one-note jerkoffs.  Can't get enough of them.  Good thing!

So does Virgin Airlines allow rich old celebrity housewife types to bring chihuahuas on the plane?  That ad makes me want to take a train just to stay away from the horrible passengers they appear to want.

Chrono Cross.  Seriously what the shit was that all about?  Square finally making a sequel to something that was probably going to continue the story, more of one of the best games ever made only bigger and better.  And then your party is like an onion, a voodoo doll, and a two-tailed dog and it's impossible to give a

I would also add that I don't go to sing the song FOR the artist.  I love that they appreciate the sound of a bunch of people singing at once, but dammit don't not sing the choruses completely and do that extending the mic thing!  The choruses are awesome and they're why I paid to see this in the first place.

Pretty sure that's because the Golem is one dude, and dybbuks are a whole collection of demons.  Golems basically became sentient man-shaped piles of whatever in the pages of Monstrous Manuals.

It's a tvtropes discussion, the man is trying to do you a favor.

Yeah, clearly no action whatsoever is preferable.  If I could just distill baseball to two affable but irritating announcers rattling off irrelevant statistics, I'd be late to do so by about 50 years.

I'm getting tired of HDGTM because of Jason.  He needs some coaching to stop yelling "GUYS, GUYS, THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING CRAZY.  NO GUYS.  IT'S CRAZY" instead of saying relevant stuff.  He's got the capacity to be funny, he's wasting it on yelling over people with boring non-topic stuff.

And her hair was patchy.

The Witching Hour is super good if you like historical fiction stuff.  The main character is the 13th witch in a big family and about 70% of the book is about the lives of the previous 12. Honestly it's all really interesting stuff, especially the Haitians and the 1920s guy Julien that's probably the father of at

I read all three!  I was dating some girl that was way into Rice and was making me read this stuff.

You won't like any of her books.  They get more playful after Interview (frankly Louis is the most boring character she has in the stable), but the quality never really improves exactly.