The Moose with Loose Poops

Basically the first three books are pretty good.  Queen of the Damned in particular is good because it really plays up the world-building and explains how vampires exist and operate instead of just being about how soft Lestat's hair is.  After the third there's an insanely sharp decline in quality where Rice stops

I stayed on the Rice Vampire train for way too long, and this sounds exactly like how that went out.  All "Hey I'm Tarquin and I'm gorgeous and I'm haunted by a gorgeous spirit and I'm rich and I live in a huge mansion full of gorgeous servants and every day is awesome and no one is ever unpleasant and even the really

I should warn you, my shit is way tormented.

This does?  Seriously if there's one thing we learn about trill throughout the show it's that no one, not even trill, know anything at all about trill rules, history, or physiology.  They just pull new crazy shit out as they need it, constantly. 

*waits patiently so as to only be the second person*

I liked the concept of Full Metal Alchemist, but the execution is lacking.  One of the things I like about Avatar so much is that you don't have the main characters yelling a complete summary of the core plot every single episode.  And they modify the character comedy beats.  Sokka, the boomerang and sarcasm guy! 

"Don't play the Black Eyed Peas if you're not going to show Fergie…. fed into a wood chipper!"

That and it has Jigglypuff, making it a clear Jigglefest.

So who's the gimmick guest-star character this time?

This rod shall be your doom!

Tragically Ludicous, why?  They're big eared alien monsters!  The only reason we want to assign gender equality on them is because we're anthropomorphizing them.  Getting mad when some alien species keeps a slave or has weird sex rules is like getting mad at spiders for the females getting to be 100 times bigger and

Ultimately Quark was rad because he was a ferengi patriot, which sounds weird but really worked well.  He didn't just live the silly ideals of the rules of acquisition, he loved them!  He was endlessly disappointed in the "progress" of the other ferengi in his life, and the show, because it lasted so long, eventually

That's a good one but not the one I'm thinking of.  Here's the Quark line I meant:

Most of the main races aren't misogynistic.  Vulcans make no distinction between genders, neither do Romulans.  Klingons have a bunch of formulaic rules of interaction and responsibility but their women are noted for being badasses and in charge of a lot of stuff.  As far as I can tell Cardassians and Bajorans don't

I don't much care for a lot of White Wolf, but honestly that may well be a case of hating the playas and not the game.

Sigh…. transmutations.

Man ain't no one looking at that bad acting harpy and breathing sighs of anything but frustration.

You really need Odo in that room too so everyone has a nemesis.  Or at least Brunt.

And one of Kira's old war buddies (the guy with one arm) is Piney on Sons of Anarchy!

There's a great episode, I can't remember which season, where Quark, Sisko, and their sons go on a camping trip, and it leads to a fireside argument where Quark lays down some surprising shit for Star Trek, which is usually super-humanocentric.  He delivers a monologue about how humans are way more violent,