The Moose with Loose Poops

Fucking A right A Goofy Movie was alright.

It was pretty irritating.  Basically Pocohontas Underwater.

The Nightmare band aren't even bad guys.  They never do anything mean at all, except for spit water at the one random townsperson.

Ah yes, the Hotle.  Perhaps it was the Hiltno!

Bane Mask = obvious goatse.  Or are we all just pretending it doesn't?

Swift Trim.  Violent Paint.  Them niggas scared of it but them hos ain't.

I want Darth Umbug, the sith that hated Christmas.

Based on the last place I saw Jay Mohr (some Fuse or Spike or Man channel The View ripoff where he jaws out hackneyed material about inane quickfire topics with two normal schlubs and a bloated manball of some sort), I'd have to disagree that it would be interesting.

Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny is the Rifftrax DVD we'll be using for my holiday party this year.  It's insane, and features at least 40 minutes of insanely low budget Thumbelina completely contained inside the framing Santa story.

Carmine:  It isn't a mobster, it is an ingredient, and it is powdered beetle shell.  Woo good times.  Made by boiling cochineal, or scale insects, which look a lot like moldy pennies.  So yeah, definitely the scariest ingredient.

It's especially good when they keep hammering in a talking point in some weird, forced way.  Like McDonalds and "fresh cracked egg"!

So wait, is this going to remembered as the year where TWO movies came out about an alternate Earth appearing in the solar system, causing introspective rich people to brood about their lives?  Because that's even more synchronicity than … say Antz/Bug's Life.

Oddly I take a little flak in my friend circle for being a Tom Petty superfan.  I actively see any of his concerts I can drive to, own everything I can afford by him, and so on.  Everyone compares it to being a raving crazy fan of vanilla ice cream.

I disagree with your list, and I'm gonna list why:
Reason 1:  Do I need to say this?
Reason 2:  See above.
Reason 3:  Same.
Reason 4:  Ditto.
Reason 5:  I think you're probably supposed to supply at least one argument in these list things.

In related news, Catwoman speaks only in a sing-songy lilt using the rhythmic cadence of the 80s hit "'Cause I'm a Blonde."

Bioware makes more than Star Wars games.  The same silliness was evident in Jade Empire, so I guess moral alignment is a tangible force in fake ancient China too.

I'm gonna stay out of the board game conversation, because last time my massive and carefully cultivated hatred for Scattergories and Apples to Apples was poorly recieved.

Bioware games have always ridden on good mechanics despite their conversation trees generally being a dichotomy between "normal person" and "murderous puppy-stomping psychopath."  They never seem to quite nail down things like self-interest.

There was something about this thing that terrified me, I seem to recall one of the characters had creepy all-black eyes or something, and it wasn't intentional or mentioned.

Super short hair IS hot.