The Moose with Loose Poops

Don't worry, he'll soon be eviscerated and sodomized on national television by King Gorilla.

Nah, I saw him do the orange juice thing quite happily during a panel at Comic Con a few years back.  He didn't want to answers "Where's Kel" though.

Steve Buscemi plays pleasant and happy:  Donny.

Krebtego sounds like something ferengi would play obsessively.

Don't think the first one counts as a reboot.  Maybe Lou Ferrigno disagrees, I dunno.

It is all he is programmed to do, he hates.

Also Worf, at the very end of everything, just drunkenly insisting "Minsk!" over and over again.

Knuckles…. rapped?  Goddamn Sonic fandom.

Oh right, it's Sisko isn't it.  Riiight.

I remember trying to read this.  It's hazy, but I think she got to college or some sort of academy at some point and I stopped caring entirely.  There were repeated scenes of big conversations between a bunch of people, and they were so undifferentiated that without the "replied Elphaba" bits, it would have read as

Jake's sorta bad, but Rom is solid after the first two seasons.  Kid loses a leg in combat, they show him in an alternate future with a captain's seat.  The episode where he's working with Cisco to get into Starfleet is impressive, especially with the big reveal about why he wants to go, all being ashamed of his dad.

Man don't be giving him Cardassia.  That whole planet was one establishing matte painting.  You remember it.  City in the distance, nearby walls, couple of cupolas that sort of look like blades, one curving left and the other curving right.  There you go.  All of Cardassia.

Genuinely surprised Kim Cardassian hasn't made an appearance on Family Guy or Robot Chicken yet.

It does thought-provoking okay, sometimes.  But it does so at the cost of interesting characters.  Seriously, Kim, Neelix, Torres, Chakotay, these characters are all drab and boring, especially following DS9, which went out of it's way to feature non-Federation characters.  I mean yeah, you had the Maquis guys, but

I've got my best foot floured!  Pashoooo!

"Five words: transitional quadrilateral to triangular tessellation"

And Tongo.  They played a shitload of Tongo, which seemed to basically be reskinned bridge with a big rotating wheel thing.

I've always felt like this show was hurt by the narrator, who's so fawning about the stars that it's distracting. Ditch that guy and lessen the commercial break intros and outros and you've got a show (seriously, I tried watching this on netflix and felt like fully half of the show was 'coming up after the break' and

God Shutter Island made me so angry for that exact reason.  The trailer made it look like it was going to be this smart scary psychological thriller.  Which it would have been except "main character in a film about an insane asylum is revealed to be patient of insane asylum" has to be the most egregiously obvious

It's almost sort of insulting to foreign people, like "Oh, look at them, they made a little movie!  We're putting that right on the fridge!"