The Moose with Loose Poops

So it's AtA only "snarky" and "adult"?  No thanks.  I don't think AtA is tame, I just think it sucks.  It has a boring mechanic that is overridden by players being random for randomness' sake.  Replacing "asparagus" with "smegma" isn't going to make the game better.

Tyler Perry film made in America by Tyler Perry: It is shit from a butt
Tyler Perry copycat film made in France by French people:  It’s an extraordinarily messy film bursting with energy, music, and life

What can I say, I like games that have functional rulesets.  Bust out some Settlers, Balderdash, hell even Pictionary and I'm a happy camper.  But Scattergories gets tired really fast (lol some gay dude is my entry for "fruit," confusion is my entry for "state" lol), and Apples to Apples doesn't even feel like a real

Apples to Apples is some bullshit.  I get that it's popular and good for kids, but I've never had a good game amongst peers with it.  Primarily because a lot of my friends get a kick out of just voting for the most random possible combination, and cards like "Hitler" always win no matter what.

He won't.  It'll be a bunch of tooth-missing greasy leather wearing central casting biker looking assholes rejecting the man and society.  No dinosaur.  Mark my words.

Get out and don't come back without a dinosaur.  Names like this should be reserved for movies about actual dinos and we all know it.  I'm looking at you, Rob Zombie.  Drop T-Rex, or at least add a T-Rex to it to eat your greasy bikers!

Oddly, I have no difficulty believing that a lot of people didn't mention Smallville.

Or the Beavers!  You could be kicked out of the house the exact moment the next litter was born, then go off to live in a poorly animated damn and commonly exclaim your hilarious catchphrase "That was nuts".

Scrooge McDuck.  Or more specifically, Donald Duck, who will ditch me with his badass rich  brother and head off to join the Navy.  Then I get to live in a massive house, swim in money, travel through time, own a triceratops, have a private superhero, and tangle regularly with the Beagle Boys.

It's looks like Spanglish has become Spanglirlsh.

Oh if I could just fart.

Bruce Villanch is so fat, his ass IS three quarters of Hollywood.

Hallo, I'm Piers Anthony, welcome to the Oscars, and we'll get the proceedings underway the moment I have a notarized list in triplicate telling me the color, fabric, and general design shape of the underwear of every lady here.

Dan Fogler didn't get a chance to be funny in just a few lines?  I thought he'd already proven he'd need more than the full starring role length of a movie to do anything funny.  That guy is a fart in a human costume.

A lot of that show sucked, but the episode where Gus has a fork in his head and won't acknowledge it is solid gold.

Also, I know it's only a failed and rarely-aired pilot, but Welcome to Eltingville's theme was AN AQUABATS SONG.  FUCKIN' AQUABATS

Just like the light of a new day, hit me from out of the blue,
Breaking me out of the spell I was in, making all of my wishes come true!
(dah dah dah DAH DAH, dah dah dah dah dah)
Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free,
Flying away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be?
Believe it or

From Hg Wells, I'm guessing. Getting a little soft, Riddler?

Oh man I went to halloween karaoke Saturday night, and everyone was having a good time and doing crazy shit til the chick whose costume was "corset" got up and did fuckin "My Immortal."  Silent room, eye-rolling, then conversation just sort of rose up to block her out.  Then someone did Freedom 90 and it was all

Honestly that's not that rare of an insult to level at bands.