The Moose with Loose Poops

Yeah, guys, Babylon Five is *coughs up bile* really really *more bile with blood in it* a tolerable show!

I read three of the five pages, and I didn't see Werewolf!  Werewolf is a fantastic place to start!  Can I get some love for consoling european losers in attics?

That's because no one is severely allergic to shitty party mix.  I wish people were.

Kings need half of an association to protect their rights?  Can't they just issue a decree that does that?

I don't think I could trust any filmmaker alive or dead to not throw in a "is the dummy actually alive" magic moment instead of just letting it be crazy Wesker.

All the primetime animated ones are still rolling along, of course.

It looks like Joker reappeared, fixed her back, and then cruelly cut off her hands and replaced them with starfish.

Damn, I was hoping the villain in this thing would be whalers.

And fucking Foxworthy and Engvall.  If it's not their shitty catchphrase it's "Kids sure are wonderful pains in the ass yessir."

Um, a Lasagna Hitler?

He was insistent about having Tom Cruise play his lead in that.  There's a slight chance that we actually dodged a bullet and that someone will make a good AtMoM.

Yeah, it really does feel like he desperately wanted to tell a story about some elves and some robots but couldn't get the funding without making it a Hellboy movie.

Hey, the one from Pod People got less obscure over time. "He's a Woozle and his name is Peanut" dates back to when Jeff Dunham was a local ventriloquist instead of a national irritation.

No way, that's good but the movie has loads of stuff as good or better.

Is there already a porn parody of the first one?
All called "This Ain't Human Centipede XXX"?

Genital formal wear!

Sorry 78,000 men, but you're outnumbered by a different statistic and are therefore funny.

Hmm, ALL ABOUT STEVE maybe? Haven't seen it, but doesn't Sandra Bullock play basically a totally crazy person in love with and sort of stalking Bradley Cooper, then wins him by the end?


Also, that bat bike appears to just have a foot instead of a back wheel.