The Moose with Loose Poops

Aw, that policeman fell asleep while still wearing his police lobster bib.

The DCAU did a henchmen recruiting episode, featuring Granny Goodness and Intergang I think, waaaaaaay back in the Superman TAS days.

The fact that it's self-aware enough to be depressed calls it out as an especially rad horse, so that's one more layer of sad.

I can indeed deny the rape scene impact
Fuck it. I deny the visceral impact of that Gaspar Noe rape scene. Try and stop me. Denied. What you say about that, film review geeks? I tried to watch that Noe film about the dead druggie in Japan, it was like trying to watch the inside of someone's head during a

Artax you have to try!
"Artax, you're sinking! Come on, turn around, you have to, now! Come on! Artax! Fight against the sadness, Artax. Artax, please, you're letting the sadness of the swamps get to you. You have to try. You have to care, for me, you're my friend, I love you. Artax! Stupid horse! You've gotta move or

Brokeback Mountain. Just the scene at the end when Heath Ledger is smelling that old shirt. Broke me.

Odelay was in '96. Beck would probably know about Beck. He might enjoy hearing Sea Change though.

Ally McBeal is fine because Fry would have heard of Ally McBeal. He left our timeline in 1999. Unless he's been following history of the time period he left, he should be pretty much stuck in 99.

I'm sure your friend's kid
turned to him all wide-eyed and confused and innocent, and in a teeny plaintive voice, while clutching a teddy bear, asked "Daddy, whatsa Playboooooooy?" then cried a single tear of perfect sadness as her innocence was lost forever. He might as well just kill her now. No one will want her

lion turtle ftl. Thing is a big swimming macguffin out of nowhere with crappy animation.

Je suis la jeune fille.

Since they never get around to mentioning what grade ANY of them are in, why not just say the big three were freshmen and keep the cash cow rolling? Oh well, I'm not the crazy guy who owns Glee.

Wouldn't this mean
They have to ditch the rest of the starting cast too? Like maybe that blonde guy they added in the second season is in a lower grade, but black girl, mohawk, wheelchair, asian goth, other asian, and all those cheerleaders were introduced in season 1 too.

Monsters was fucking terrible. They should have called it "White people fall in love. Mexicans die. There are few monsters."

Unexpected audience laughs at particularly shitty horror movie moments are the only reason I go to them in theaters. I don't know if anything is ever going to top "I'm not your FUCKING MOMMY!" though.

I was gonna ask why all the kinds in town are fawning over Logan's mom who is clearly some sort of lamprey.

Not really. Two ships basically encased in a big smoke cloud shooting at each other for hours and then just sort of eventually leaving. Maybe a story about how they were built would be interesting.

How old is Toph?

Men in Black Men?

On Venture Brothers
The Swiss plastic surgeon guy (who winds up in SPHINX (SPHINX!) later) put recombinant Hitler DNA in the Pit Bull. It was explained in the episode.