The Moose with Loose Poops

Wes Anderson. Thor is white and privileged enough. And Asgard is already plenty 70's yellow. Now we just need to shovel on the whimsy.

I assume that this point that Young Justice is also dead. I'm sad, it seemed like it had potential, if they would just drop the "Hello Megan" catchphrase. Good villain writing on it at least.

The Order of the Triad
I just want to see a whole episode of the Order vs. Torrid. I want that so much.

One of the LOTR commentaries features Iam McKellan saying "None of the rest of the fellowship is gay, I can assure you I checked."


Maybe mysteriously shelved because we just had a movie about two last-of-their-species things being forced to mate in Rio?

Is there a bad Futurama episode?

Isn't this just that film about the Scottish archer princess? I thought there was already a screenshot from it and everything. It's called Brave, I think.

Two voices is no big deal
John Rhys-Davies was the voice of Treebeard in TT/ROTK. So they're already pretty comfortable with just grabbing someone on the cast and throwing them into a recording booth.

Suicide Machines

I can't believe it
They kept Swiss Miss? I would have figured that bizarre thing would be the first to go in the trash during a retool.

I don't know how to tell you this, but Aang is dead!

I've watched ahead a little bit and boy is she portrayed as an unpleasant person. I was surprised, I was expecting her to be perfect and correct to kind of shine a light on Larry's weirdness, but the episode where she's hanging around Larry's set during the show making vague marital threats during

Something electronic that was intended to be powered by Parthian Batteries?

Those are terrible. You should feel terrible.

Another great GOB line reading: "Crindy!"

The best guys were the ones that didn't fall under this silly shit about being from planet whatever. You had Karate Kid, whose power was being good at karate. And you had Braniac 5, whose power was being really smart because he was a 5th generation Braniac.

My first home DVD player WAS a DIVX player. Once the format failed they tried to unload the things for super crazy cheap, and they played DVDs. In my sophomore year of college DVD was still an expensive thing that you didn't automatically have attached to every computer and videogame system in the house, so I bought

So wait, the Mouse Army from the End of Diamond Age? That would be pretty rad. I'd also just take an Illustrated Primer.

The best roster of Megaman villains, now heroes working for me
Air Man
Heat Man
Metal Man
Wood Man
Bubble Man
Quick Man
Crash Man
Flash Man