The Moose with Loose Poops

Best part about them (and generally all the legionnaires) is that they don't have superpowers, they're all aliens from a planet where everyone does that shit. Like Stone Boy is just from a planet where everyone turns into statues during the superheated days. Then he's like "well guys I'm off to go parlay this thing

Maybe if you had Rifts technology and made them all into sweet armored-up Dog Boys.

I love how they always waste time instead of just using the damn blazing sword right away.

If it's old weird Scooby-Doo ripoffs, I'd want Gary Coleman as an angel and the various angels that told him to go do angel stuff.

Meh, they didn't even manage to stay a team through one book. Even the Fantastic Four have a better track record than that.

Oh hells yes. My team was one of those Xenomorphs that had animal features (I think it was like a bull), a blue He-Man guy that I think was supposed to be a shitty shapeshifter pretending to be He-Man only blue, and the GI Joe that changed color under water. Together they battled that Transformer that turned from a

Billy Lee, Jimmy Lee, and several Battletoads. Unfortunately their presence would indicate that the challenge is impossible bullshit and you'll be quickly felled by knife birds.

Gonna have to go with Cohen and the Silver Horde in that case. Those fuckers got stuff done.

Bautista with the powers of taking up runtime, and dating LaGuerta!

Book 4
It exists! They showed it at a Comic Con a few years ago.

Man have you seen the fanbase for LOTR online? It's all ladies. If you don't mind reading their fanfic, figuring out what the shit "squee" and "squick" means, and digging through multiple layers of Winnie-the-Pooh backpacks and hoodies, you'll be swimming in poorly shaven tang.

I demand casting announcements
For every single one one of the hobbits on that family tree thing in the LOTR index C.

What'd Kermit say when he heard Jim Henson died?

Good game, but fuck that ostrich riding level, that shit was pure memorization.

Oh sure here you go. Skarsgard is dressed in a funny, kinda too-tight plaid shirt and he's sort of stumbling around in an underground military facility. He comes across Fury, who instead of wearing a trenchcoat is wearing an ill-fitting suit. He makes a joke about thinking that Fury was planning to kill him, and

Anna Faris
Looks pretty much like low-makeup Anna Faris in that preview. Is she way uglier in some scenes in the movie or something?

Don't put down your towel! If Hitchhiker's Guide taught us anything, it's that it's probably a good ideal to bring a towel to stuff like the Rapture.

Two Venture Bros. choices
Opening scene of season 2, that Everybody's Free song that covers the year after the first season, culminating in the awesome rave sequence.

They probably remember the Comedian
From that time he stopped by and burned a bunch of them to death with a flamethrower.

I remember reading the first incarnation of this
and feeling sort of sorry for the guy that directed Little Nicky and Mr. Deeds. Those movies are shitty, but they're shitty because of Adam Sandler control. For a while he was on top of the summer comedy game there, but he always insisted on playing a cornball hero