The Moose with Loose Poops

Add milk of two months ago!
It's moldy mom, isn't it?

Had to make her sorta relatable and not a villain, because Batman can't punch ladies and she can't summon big pitcher plants or the Joker, like the other ladies of Gotham.

Did Snowy get a rocking 'tude for this? All I saw was him flinching at one point.

They could have shown a 10 second bit of it. Or a frame of the two singers an inch away from kissin'. Or hell, they could have used some of their vast resources and animated it, like they did with the Paula Abdul video way back. You know, made a parody of it.

There was also a series where Fred and Wilma were kids.

Looks to me like
The last royalty check for "Mr. Jones and Me" bounced.

Then again, I'm doing it on a volunteer basis. So I guess it's covered.

Think so? Shame you don't get paid to just review your reviews.

I love the "What desert?" aside in the review. Do you actually give a shit which desert they're doing peyote in? It's like caring which train Peter is fighting the giant chicken on.

Am I crazy
Or was that a Sweet Hereafter parody on the Simpsons? Crazy.

Entirely in japanese
Except for the word "level" I suppose?

It showed up in the back recycler-o-matic too, but it wasn't Black Cock's birthday so it was a no go.

That and the gross picture of Father Guido Sarducci standing with two unattractive naked chicks for some movie. What's the deal AV?

Didn't we already get a crazy Seth Rogen movie? Observe and Report? Was he not crazy enough in that?

Luke be a jedi tonight!
Do it for Yoda, and all the other wookies, Luke be a jedi tonight!

"At least I can finally discover the secret identity of the Flash."

There's a full half-hour episode of it on one of the Futurama movie DVDs.

That doesn't qualify. That's an adaptation you wish someone would make, not a fake thing you wish was real.

Okay, and a few others.

The Xander Kelley show
You know, the Dennis Miller show from Joe Dirt that was so riveting that even when they take three full days of four hours of airtime to interview a boiler-room hobo, fuckin' everyone in LA is flipping their shit and yelling at radios about it. I want a show that is that entertaining despite