The Moose with Loose Poops

Judge… my name

I look forward to not caring at all about his inevitable buddy comedy with Dan Fogler.

And Silverado, unless that just cracks you right up.

If he did that he'd skip all the Simpsons episodes by rock bands in favor of the ones by hip-hop and pop artists!

In the end the aliens were destroyed by that humblest of all of God's creations, a tyrannosaurus rex.

It's waiting until the 10th comment in a discussion to drag Hitler into it.

I think Snow Crash and Diamond Age have solid endings. Diamond Age in particular, I didn't need a chronicle of how the Mouse Army was badass, it was solidly implanted in my imagination already.

The first 3 Anne Rice vampire books
The world actually gets bigger and better in an interesting fashion for a while there, but it's really hard to tell that's going to happen from the extended prologue that is Interview.

Only real problem with DS9 is a lack of cash for special effects (good drinking game: take a shot when Odo describes some awesome shapeshifting instead of doing any)

Eh, I made it through the season 4 dvd. Nearly everyone I ask says to just stop right there when they first set down on Earth.

The reverse question could basically be asked in the form of "What season did you dial out of LOST?"

Battlestar Galactica
I'm having trouble slogging my way through it right this moment, because I'm watching it on Netflix Instant, so every time I start an episode I get a little description, and sometimes… sometimes I just can't stand to watch one based on that dire warning.

Is there a good part to that show? I've tried twice and it invariably proves the most repetitive and low-bar comedy show I've ever had recommended to me. Seriously, there are only about four jokes about a guy that's evolved from a cat, and lord knows they tell all four every fucking episode.

The middle third of Anathem really is that boring. I wish it wasn't but I just don't care all that much about the endless adventures of Fraa Ras at the ill-defined polar region. All the cool stuff about mathing out where aliens are hiding is more interesting than the artfully poorly defined local color of some

How is that steampunk in any way? When did steampunk turn into "some parts of the costume are brown?"

There were three! First one is basically Sleeping Beauty except replace any plot details with spankings.

Silly trolls, I love the shit out of Superjail. I just don't think it would make a good show to review since it's essentially slight variations on a theme from one episode to the next.

Most of the dumb names like Stryfe and Reignfire are products of the shitty Marvel 90s and the long reign of Rob Liefeld.

Superjail: Season 2, Episode 6

Aren't they just gonna run prints on the money? Raylan and Winona both were getting their grubby gloveless hands all over it.