The Moose with Loose Poops

Will Eisner's signature
It looks like he uses the Disney font.

The self-titled album - M1 A1

How long?
How long til the recycler is just four pictures of naked tits?

Spider-Man randomly falling down and hurting himself
Singing for no reason, Mary-Jane's gotta help him out a bunch…

Get out your flashlights, because it's time to dig around in Blizzard's ass. There's a polyp in there, and it's called "Justice League Task Force."

And let's not forget that he changed the setting from the beautiful and well-realized Avatar planet to the post-apocalypse of Earth for some reason.

Oh sweet, let's remember the Achewood good times!

That'd be the actor playing Eustace. New to the AVClub media review model?

I don't care about the scientific method, I just hate it when they don't even get the concept of the "myth" they're trying to prove/disprove. The episode where they attempt to prove that it isn't easy to shoot fish in a barrel consists of them firing a pistol into a big water barrel with a single toy fish in it,

Batman tells the first woman he dates that he's Batman. Like right away. He's supposed to look menacing but he can't look left or right, or lift his arms above his shoulders. His girlfriend is one of those 80s/90s action movie women with the whiny/grandstanding attitude, plus the haircut of a stationyard hobo.

Review from the Necrobutcher:
Mmmph Mmmmmmph Mmmph.

King Kruel?

Shit man, you've read Chapterhouse, you have to admit that any notes Herbert still had were probably just spit and leftover drugs stuck to blank pages. That guy went out crazy as shit.

Oof, a reader of Dune Crap. Once Kevin J. Anderson gets into your chosen nerd franchise, it's over man. It's done, he ruins them. He is the unmaker. He did it to Star Wars and he did it to X-Files.

It wasn't so much her voice that broke it, it was her lines, so I have to blame the screenwriters more than Heche. Seriously, she can fly a helicopter because she was an army brat? I know a lot of army brats, and most can't be trusted to fly a videogame helicopter.

Even better, the characters fighting in that last battle sequence are fighting in groups based on who created them. Awesome!


The final payoff of JLU and Batman Beyond was one of my favorite moments in cartoon history. Finding out that Terry is a clone of Wayne like … 6 years after Batman Beyond went off the air… awesome. It'd be like if Ben Linus showed up on Fringe and just said "The Island was actually a giant robot. Goodnight ladies

The Salmon of Doubt
Actually written by the correct author.

Lady in the Horrible, Horrible Water
It is. I wish it wasn't. Not that I wish it wasn't about movies, I just wish it wasn't.