The Moose with Loose Poops

Oh wow, so true. It was Pretty Hate Machine and Mega Man X for me.

Second episode in a row with a gapingly obvious hole in the pseudo-science. Last episode it was the one twin aging four years while he's not in amber, this time it's that the concept of latitude and longitude coordinates doesn't work over geologic timescales. Oh well.

Immediate celebration went up
Amongst the various companies that manufacture '70s yellow.

Oh man, the Live Anthology? I bought that and played it til my girlfriend tried to hide it. The version of Learning to Fly on there is breathtaking.

Lol he was also Iceman. It is funny because he is constantly in things that refer to being frozen. Laugh damn you.

Four years in the amber and his kids grew up! His brother is also four years older but apparently has been taking extraordinarily good care of himself to not look FOUR YEARS OLDER. Or is it the reverse and people in the amber are aging? If that's the case how come loved ones don't notice?

Best thing about REM is that you can sing the lyrics to any of their singles to the tune of any of their other singles. Nice and simple.

It could almost have made for a terrifying ending. Thing is, I have a dead dad. And I don't think that if an alien downloaded my brain and tried to recreate my dead dad it'd be that dead on. I don't remember shit like my dad's armhair locations and the exact way he walked. So if an alien pulled that hologram shit,

Dunno if it stands up the puppy introduced at the end of Toy Story and then revisited 12 years later in Toy Story 3 all ancient and arthritic. That's some excellent shit.

Oh lord Contact. No movie with the exception of the Burton Chocolate Factory has ever made me angrier than Contact. Strips like half the characters out of the book so they can foist a new one on us that is useless and irritating in the extreme, adds god messages all over the place instead of just letting aliens

A medium amount. Let's say about as much as I normally masturbate.

Someday my dream will come true
A fart track for Catwoman. C'mon Hollywood.

My senior year of high school we decided to stay in and watch horror movies all night, and the big plan was to prank any other high school acquaintances that showed up. So we made our bowl of candy by placing a bunch of little black treat bags full of generic halloween crap. The little orange treat bags had catfood,

Mike. Fuck you Joel-lovers, I'm blonde. And I made the robots (or crappy variations of them) and attached them to a shoulder harness so if you stood behind me it was like the screen effect. Bad idea because I had to turn sideways to go through doors.

I even had the whole thing, purchased back when they had a well-stocked website. Neoprene hat and goggles, everything. Sadly I think these days you have to dress as a Yo Gabba Gabba monster to get some Christian Shepherd recognition.

My biggest failure was also one of my biggest successes
Last year I went to the West Hollywood street fair as the MC Bat Commander from The Aquabats. I had a friend with me in a kicking Seargent Hatred costume so people generally just thought I was probably something from a Venture Brothers episode, but mostly I was

Meh, on the whole I prefer the Twix line of commercials, which are arguing that Twix is to douchebags what spinach is to Popeye. Caught cheating on your girlfriend? Eat a twix and lie! Caught using a shitty pickup line? Eat a twix and make her feel like an asshole about it!

Wait, a crippling drought?
How are they growing watermelons during a crippling drought? You have to irrigate the shit out of watermelon plantings.

Kintaro = another four-arm guy. Motaro = centaur guy.

That's funny, I also loved the show that broadly insults people until the day it insulted me.