The Moose with Loose Poops

Okay, now someone just tell me what happened in Memphis April 4. A shot rang out in the morning, I get that part. But who died?

That line alone has made the movie famous among my friends, who now break out into a contest of "If x is y enough, could an unrelated thing happen to x?" style questions everytime they see each other.

Also, before anyone else snags it:

"Euphoria, shut the fuck up! I know that was you! I ain't even gotta look! I should send you to Crenshaw Pete with his hot-ass coat hangers, bitch. Would you like that?"

Choosing a wagon is sorta cheating. That's like saying "I'd live within a five-mile radius of the first readily available handheld time machine/teleporter."

I wish I could hate it to death.

The fuck he was!
Deep Roy was in Burton's bullshit movie, not the classic Willie Wonka. They changed the name of the first movie from the book's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" because of a candy promotion happening at the time!

Yeah, Andew Stanton sort of looks like he used to play D&D with those other two guys, but now he pretends he doesn't know what a D20 is.

Heh, the randomizer is awesome!
It's a triumvirate of small-chested bespectacled nerds. It's like the Council of Not Knowing What Boobs Feel Like.

@Brandon Norman

Kill Pop! Kill Pop! You should totally kill Pop!

Not all of them. He had at least one robot hand built by Quizboy during that episode.

Plus I think we already knew Hank was a badass from his scene beating down the Monarch in the Captain Sunshine episode, he was going full Robin and boot-grinding down stair rails, doing backflip kicks and everything. Dude's a pocket Brock.

The Boy's Brigade was a fanclub/intern sort of thing dedicated to the original Team Venture, we've seen Richard as a youth following them around and taking pictures, etc. This was the first reference to Phantom Limb being a member, and I'm surprised that he would have been, given the teutonic idealism of Jonas

New discovery in this one
One of the Council of 13 was definitely Dr. Z.

They will. As soon as Hank and Dean finally figure out the clone thing Hank will also realize he's actually 19 and shoot down Brock's other requirement.

It was his name, Phineas Phage. Get it? Phage? 'Cause he's a virus guy.

It cooked the bullets til the heat discharged the rounds from their chambers. The only thing that didn't make sense was that it wasn't plugged in.

They aren't. His invisible limbs are still under his control even if detached. They were doing the fighting.

Hell yeah it happens. And the game opens with a conversation with the Human Torch up on the Statue of Liberty. Those early days of Spider-Man were awesome!