The Moose with Loose Poops

Am I crazy
Or did this guy play Hal Sparks' boyfriend in a few episodes of Queer as Folk. And as a followup question, was this dude not totally ripped in that appearance?

Brave and the Bold is great stuff. Great stunt-voice casting (Adam West as Bruce Wayne's father! The original animated series vets Conroy and Hamill as a greek chorus of Phantom Stranger and the Spectre!), and even better, they routinely modify the look of the backgrounds and the characters to reflect the art style

It probably wasn't entirely the network. Anyone else ever try to slog through the Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon? That shit is awful, it's draggy and repetitive. Kricfalusi seems to have become little more than an amazing blog that takes animated shits every now and then.

What? Pete and Pete is older than Animaniacs! You guys always gotta go and break your own rules in these things.

Nothing like Venom asking you to get Captain America's autograph for him.

For real.

no grade?

This show is trying to coast on the notoriety of being the first fat people in love show… while being very, very careful not to accidentally mention or remind anyone of Roseanne.

I can't watch the video on principle, but I will say from the freeze screen that she does appear to have a fetching robot hand.

It was worse than that. He ended up picking up Kryptonite Island and chucking it into space out of … I dunno, willpower?

Bryan Singer
It seemed like such a good idea to let the guy that basically made the super-soap X-Men into a reasonable film series take a crack at Superman.

Anne Rice. Into vampires or not, Witching Hour was crazy awesome history porn fiction weirdness. Then every series she wrote got successively worse until they fused together like multipe ropy streams of horse urine.

See also: Ultraviolet

P.U.! This fish is slightly too rotten to even make jambalaya!

So Robert Duvall's character gets to be the one italian guy, I guess.

Something something
small town… suck a dick if you're from a large town

Six Feet Under

It kills me that they actually singled out Deb as tolerable. She's by far the worst element of the show, her foul-mouthed stuff feels contrived and the only thing she does, every single season, is fall in love with someone and then get mad at them over petty shit.

The only thing on that show that was a showstopper was every single episode where they didn't introduce a weird teeny version of a Superman villain, as the only reason the show was worth watching was to spend time thinking "well… he controls bugs and is sorta buglike, maybe he's the Hellgrammite?"

The problem with Hatred was the huge misstep of the Revenge Society episode, where he takes an unconscious Billy Quizboy to bed in the cold close, sacrificing a lot of believable stuff for a one-shot joke. Even the rest of that episode had some great work in developing him, the whole sequence where he's letting Hank