The Moose with Loose Poops

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang and Kitara. No way they're breaking up.

Keith and David do make it. It's in the epilogue stuff. Don't think they count.

Penny-Arcade summed it up best. 10 minutes of fanciful introduction, 20 minutes of sweaty dick-punching.

Yes it is! Spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank CHANGE LOCATIONS spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank CHANGE LOCATIONS!

Maybe… maybe Love & Rockets is way better looking? That cover looks like a coloring book.

CBGB Cover
Beautiful? Is that just sort of a personal attachment to the Love & Rockets guy talking? Because that cover is sorta boring, serviceable at best.

The original Yogi bear sucked! That's what I don't get about people hating this one for franchise abuse. Really, can anyone name one funny moment from the original Yogi show? Perhaps when he got a picnic basket? Or when he was running away from the ranger with a cheap repeating background?

Eight Crazy Nights
The big heartfelt scene where a weird little troll man gets some patch he's always wanted, while Sandler's character does some schmaltzy channukah thing that impresses local reindeer…

Guess you finally got to the point where you don't even wanna bother mentioning that the album ends on some bad rock music. No more pretending.

I'm living in a gefilte fish jar

Fuck a stoner comedy
It's almost just a shorthand way of saying "Lazy road to the lowest common denominator."

My friends and I have discussed this, and decided that Olive Garden could rule the restaurant industry if they changed their commercial to the following:

Share the milk of human kindness!

Damn movies with insane protagonists! Fuck Shutter Island right in the … where do you fuck a movie? Oh, right in the advertising phase, where they claim a movie where a person in an insane asylum that turns out to be INSANE is a huge unexpected twist! Bite my dick, movie!

There was even a JLU animated version of the story. It was good too!

Hard to write out here, but the giant bee buzzing out "DUH" is awesome.

The problem with Ed, Edd, & Eddy was that it went on way longer than it needed to. It was a strangely rigid show, if you watch it trying to spot any characters that weren't in the first episode, you'll realize they never introduce one. Ever. Not even in the big movie release. It's completely spotlighted on the 10

American IV may be a lot of good things, but seminal isn't one of them. Dude's last album (at least that was released while he was alive), and I haven't heard of anyone trying to cop that style. Maybe the original print was covered in semen?

Mom does get the best lines.

Man, I feel sorry for the kid that plays Malfoy. I don't think anyone could have predicted that the 10 year old they started with would grow into the shittiest actor ever to have a contract of some kind. You can tell the teams making the movies are aware, he increasingly plots and manipulates via voiceover.