The Moose with Loose Poops

No, his kids are just his go-to defense every time he realizes his hands are full of shit.

Dickie Moe!
Dicky Moe! Dicky Mooooeeeeeeeee!

Plus while she was getting it maybe a couple rabbits or a elk would go by. Probably not worth it get a buffalo though, that's more meat that she could haul back to the covered wagon.

Directorial notes for this scene:
Keep collecting yourself

Leaving coverage?
Does that mean AVClub is ditching Burn Notice entirely, or is it just being handed off to a different writer?

As long as they add Adrien Brody as the Penguin, I'm content. He doesn't need to be the main villain, there's always a need for mob bosses in Batman movies, and the Penguin is at his best when he's just a well-informed and somewhat weird arms dealer.

Yeah, if by aplomb you mean "mistaking glacial pacing for dignity." Kiki and Remy compared… okay, I definitely appreciate how Ratatouille doesn't have interminably long sequences of nothing much happenening. I'm thrilled that there's no scene where he sits around and looks out a window and eats bread and a cat meows

There's some sort of disconnect in writer's minds about how people will get BETTER at fighting in the future. Sersly, ever see the game Warhammer 40k? 40,000 years from now you'll be whacking an ork with a chainsaw because tech like ICBMs and satellite-guidance is … well it's just no fun.

"Good god, cover yourself Brannigan. I didn't travel a thousand years and a quadrillion miles to look at another man's gizmo!"

Comfortably Numb
His cover is really good.

And in the american dub of Naruto, it's cheerfully referred to as Loopy Fist, a style that happens when you drink too much "elixir."

So is Ariana Huffington. It's wacky go nuts.

He started out as king badass to me
But now I'd rather watch Zimmern, even if Zimmern was doing the exact same stuff, and it's because he will gladly take a segment to do something he doesn't like. On an episode of KC, Bourdain ate some iguana tamales and nearly lost his gut, but since then, his most common

Spoiler alert!
Is that fuckin' Lou Diamond Philips? I wasn't about to watch it twice.

Jessica Walter ftw.

This is a mutANT. Not unlike your earth ants. Larger of course.

Run Fatboy Run sure did.

The Lynch version, as scrappy and lovable as it may be, has the worst sound editing of any major movie I'm aware of. And the conceit of the characters just holding still while they think in voiceover is maddeningly stupid.

I have a Traveller book! I don't understand how that game is even played. If I'm not mistaken your character can fairly easily die during character creation before the game starts. And the fact that any "class" your character has is backstory, meaning that you're always playing as a space hobo, is hilarious.

You can't blame Singer or Ratner for no Nightcrawler, Alan Cumming turned it down, said he didn't like all the time in the makeup chair.