The Moose with Loose Poops

And it's fun to use Super Smash Brawl to recreate the Nintendo-Sega battles of yesteryear, by having their mascots duke it out on a cartoon pirate ship!

Later… cause you know, her back's all messed up.


Is Sarah Michelle Gellar actually Helena Bonham Carter? Because otherwise no.

I don't care if he hit the nail on the head, there were like 16 other nails on the album that went unhit. Garbage was basically just mentioned. I think there's enough material on the rise and fall of Spears available without the book he wrote up there. Definitely wish he had spread out his attention a little better.

Dude, the Farside was invariably the best target of caption juxtaposition. The one where it was adjacent to a Dennis the Menace panel, leading to Dennis and Joey looking into two sandwiches and saying "Aw, hamsters again?", while a family of snakes gathered around a dinner table, complete with bowl of furry ballsm

Dude's no asshole. Oprah also endorses eight dollar cupcakes, and the belief that wanting something hard enough equals getting it. So when she puts her stamp on a good book, it's a big stamp of approval from a crazy person. And no one likes to think that they have similar opinions to those of a crazy ranting person.

Expand that to any porn kissing, really. What is up with the lightsaber duels carried out in the medium of tongue? I guess it's to play to the camera? It always looks like two people doing a lizard impression in too close of proximity to each other.

Yeah, Daniel Day Lewis gets that from me too. It's a shame, because they both put out some amazing work, but everytime either one is in a role the media treats it like Jesus showed up and asked to audition to play Harvey Milk or something. Plus they both get that super-thespian treatment in films, where the camera

Pretentious made-up names
Was it directed by something that wants me to call it "McG"? I will never see that.

The Rocketeer! Darkman! Dick Tracy! Spawn! Behold the fruit of the nineties!

Dallben, I have a friend who works for Wolfgang Peterson as a creative exec, and she called me one day to say "Hey Moose, you're a nerd. Would Dragonlance make a good series for movie adaptation?"

Chuck Jones wasted his pass on children's media adaptations during his lifetime. Exhibit A: The Phantom Tollbooth.

I thought the song that got Our Lady Peace some notice in the US was "Clumsy"

Without my pearls I'm just a big Maggie!

Is that Eric Wareheim of Tim & Eric? I don't need to look at things he directs, I have a giant blender full of failure, greasepaint, and wine out in the yard.

Since I missed this til page 5, I will remind the staff and associated commenters of the badass that everyone forgot.

Do I have to say it?
Brock.. Fucking… Samson.

Shoot, if the plane is shown landing as the season opener, I assume he'll just have to be missing. And that's gonna have more significance than anything else they might show in the landing. I'd assume they'll have to do the same with Zach and Emma.

Awesome! I have this great idea for a sketch where I get wet and flail around awkwardly. It would be best if the camera also did.