The Moose with Loose Poops

I smeared food and grease all over my face
And then sang an off-key song. Then I changed minor elements of the trappings and repeated this a few times. For a while I just stood around and acted akward while a camera made little camera noises. Then a celebrity stopped by.

Maybe when Spock said "It is not a myth" he meant "It isn't rooted in Vulcan mythological history" and not "It's true." Shifty language, hobgoblin!

Half-vulcan. He can only tell half-truths.

Weird little kid from Six String Samurai: WHAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

"They should have him write it"
"Yeah, Bendis."
"Okay, what should Bendis write?"
"The Spider-Man script"
"They're doing one of those?"
"And Bendis should write it."

That the footage is only at night just raises further questions really. I know they cleverly made him a day trader so he wouldn't have to go to work, and she can just skip school, but that would mean that either A) they could keep filming, or B) They've gone outside to do something. How would that go? "Sorry I'm

The only reason I don't much like it is that the characters never seem to go anywhere or do anything. For 21 days these two jokers just … stay home to get haunted. I understand low budget and all, but I live in San Diego too and hell if I'm paying this much damn rent to stay in a haunted house when there's shit to

Did you ever feel so nervous and anxious trying to talk to someone that you just blurt out the first crazy thing that comes to mind?

I particularly liked it when he caught the fairy. I assume he stored it in a glass jar to refill his hearts during a later difficult boss battle.


Seriously, I don't get Smith's even bothering to defend that one. He looks drugged out? A guy who is famous for playing a drugged out dealer who, in real life, has been in and out of rehab and removed from casts because of drugs… looks drugged out? That is incredibly difficult to believe. And his roles in

To this day, if I accidentally come across Tiny Toons on TV (granted it's become increasingly rare), I will watch just long enough to confirm it's not the TMBG episode. It never is!

Waaah, the characters from a fantasy cartoon that was set in wacky made-up countries aren't played by actors that are the exact color I had percieved them to be!

Yeah, Burton lost me. I am also looking forward to his 2011 film, a gothic retelling of a classic story with roles for Johnny Depp as an eccentric high-pitched man-child and Helena Bonham Carter as a off-looking seductress with a haircut that looks like a haphazard pile of spaniel ears and a habit of swirling around

Goten and Trunks are about the same age, Gohan is significantly older. My grammatical bad.

Feh, it's Whedon. His new show, where a troubled young woman uses supernatural powers to beat on her sexually suggestive aggressors, is no doubt already written and stamped.

Oh and Gotenks is a fusion of Goten and Trunks. They're about the same age, Gohan is significantly older. Gotenks appeared like once, to get a few licks in during the execrable Buu arc.


Whatever. Here, I'll sum up his role in it based on his last two big roles.

Or the Fighting Mongooses?! That's a great team name.