The Moose with Loose Poops

Sin City suffers from a Hollywood starlet problem, in the form of the "Stripper Who Doesn't Strip At All".

Feh. San Francisco peaked already. The Castro is about as gay as Jake Gyllenhaal, which is to say that a lot of people hope, try to visit or find out, and then leave a little disappointed.

Can we help it if our city has a glut of fresh-faced navy and marine hardbodies that need a little extra cash for the holidays? I don't think we can.

San Diego reporting

Hey look!
It's Cait Sith!

Hey now, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is still sitting in wait for whoever wants it and can impress a widow hanging around in a named house.

You have quite a treasure in that Horadric Cube!

Yeah, they shoulda held out til now when companies like SOE and Turbine will make any property into an MMO for a nickel.

PaRappa my ass.

Five years old
WOW is doing a 5 year anniversary thing right now, and if you GIS the game you can get a hojillion pictures of it. So it's interesting to me that you'd use that original Beta release promo shot with the old night elf models and an early draft of a mount that never made it into the game.

It also tore a ton of money away from the constantly-about-to-die Palladium Games. Plus the game was ugly garbage.

"Hey look a big guy boss! I'd better temporarily blind him over and over again so he smack into the walls."

He's Elton John mixed with Willy Wonka.

Not so much them as the "Canadian White Wine Winery" and "Canadian Red Wine Winery"

Thumbs down. Too many brackets, including one sentence with two whole words in brackets. Ellipses are the funny part.

Wait, Chris Rock isn't funny?

You safe tonight?

When you say "Rich Colors"…
You just mean yellow, right? It IS a Wes Anderson movie.

Steve Carrell looks really mad at Charlie Sheen in that first picture.

@The Hammer is my Penis