The Moose with Loose Poops

It was her first show on Comedy Central. Failed in a season. The premise was that in the course of her daily life as a comedian, she encountered people that were shitty at their jobs, insulted them, and then did their job better.

Wanda Does It
Worst show there has ever been. Soured me on this comedian, prepped me to hate other "We gave someone a show" stuff on Comedy Central.

Mo'nique know she look good.

They glittered. As they got older and their skin got more porcelain and so on, they started picking up light reflections that were occasionally described as something like glittery.

The zombie remains of Paul Harvey and an Adrienne Barbeau-Bot

24 is going through his Liefeld period. Lined face, ripped sleeves, pouches, disproportionate arm muscles, goofy bladed wrist weapons. I'm gonna be watching that episode to see if they hide his feet.

Yeah, and besides, a Dick-Mobile is what you hang over a baby's crib to get him good and gay for preschool.

Dunno about Liam Neeson, the R'as al Ghul in Lego Batman is based on the comic and not the film.

Always and forever.

It's true. We've even seen shots of them as babies from prior to when Brock was their bodyguard, so unless Rusty saved some of Brock's crusty blankets from college to clone a guy that knocked his teeth out and broke his arm the first day they met so as to raise that guy as his own son, the theory doesn't hold up.

"You're ass gets killed more than the cat."

Betty Rage doesn't exist, it was just a suggested costume and powers option for Lady AuPair, same as Mink DeLovely.

Aye, I saw Saw II too.

Most french adjectives fall in after the noun though, so "le beads anal" is more likely.

I could laugh at that, but the guy doing the mousetrap bit in Jackass 2 wasn't obese Jackass Preston Lacey.

You mean the same Venture Universe that has cloning technology central to the plot? That would make the Hunter fakeout pretty easy.

My guess is that since he was in a room full of monkeys, parrots, etc, he had just made the Hitler dog for the NAZIs.

Don't be confused! His car went crazy because he forgot his password and tried three times. You know how some online sites will shut you off for 12 hours or so when you fail a password a set number of times? Brock's car is just a logical extreme of that design.

BRD is Black Rock Depths, a high 50's-60 dungeon located in the Black Rock Mountain range, just south of Burning Steppes. So it's taken.

Late-period Paul Harvey, ladies and gentlemen!