The Moose with Loose Poops

My issue with The Shining is that the namesake of the story doesn't matter in the movie at all. The boy done got the shining! So what does he do with it? Summon one guy to show up and be killed. That's all it ever does. Has nothing to do with the father's arc at any point, is never helpful to the kid.

Bling blung
Everytime I see this and hear about how it would make a good show, I wonder if it was already attempted via plagiarism in the form of Mission Hill.

Gonna be the first to not suggest a new one
Instead, yank out the Sugarhill Gang, that song is a suite! Seriously, the part where they start rapping about breakfast at a friend's house is just a different, worse song that they really should have moved somewhere else on the album.

know she look good.

Terror Ships!
I think I need to add that to the micro-genres people love section. Give me any movie where, rather than using characters or monsters to build tension, they just throw the characters onboard a floating haunted house. Gotta have inexplicably low lighting, heavy, fast-slamming doors that always seem to

Jinjoes? Man, playing Banjo-Kazooie for years would drive any soul insane.

All pales before the grim horror that is the bubbly goth forensic tech. I have only seen a few episodes and can't remember her name, but from the moment she's onscreen til the moment the show goes on I'm just screaming from the depths of my gut, a howl of resentment and pure, raw, scratchy hate. I want to see a

Logged on dressed like Sailor Moon


ah, she didn't need to get that famous, I started thinking she looked like Ghost Rider back in Knocked Up.

The makeup doesn't help
No matter how you you slather on Keaton, he'll never look as ghoulish as the shot of Leslie Mann in the ad to the right of him. You can see her entire skull. It's like Adam Sandler has Seth Rogen and a pirate flag on him.

Peter Bagge
Is he somehow connected to that Mission Hill show that failed in a season but still runs on Cartoon Network every so often? The art style is similar.

The Dungeon and Dragons movie is the single greatest source of angry critic inspiration in the last 30 years. In this, it was a rousing success for bored net divers.

Sigh, that's a player who has earned Revered status with the Frenzyheart tribe of wolvar in Sholozar Basin. Wolvar are little tribal wolverine-men, and one of the items you can buy at revered status from them is a jar or gross fermenting crap. You let it ferment for a week, and it becomes a variety of useless

I think they are probably fast at work right now in a room full of writers figuring out how best to insure that this movie is basically all humans, all the time, as trying to get a functional troll or draenei into live action will either look retarded or cost 7 million dollars a second.


oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce oonce onnce
barrarump bump barrarup bump barrarump bump
doo doot en doo doo, doo doot en doo doo, doo doot en doo doo
The sytem is down. The system is down. The system is down.

Which is why I've always associated the term with the Stephenson book Diamond Age. Sure, it's set in the future, but the return to Victorian mores and affectations lends the whole thing a steampunk vibe, right down to the way they use their molecular-contruction technology to make things like spy tophat, fold-down

Anyone ever try the videogame attempt at this?
Arcanum: Of Magic and Steamworks Obscura?

The Palm Pre commercials? Is that the one with the slow spokesperson turning around? I thought thing that was Macaulay Culkin!