Jessica Rabbit

Actually, now I'm kind of curious—I think there were some good things to be said in this episode but clearly weren't. What would have been a better way to write this? I'm way better at complaining about things than I am at making them, but I really am wondering what specifically could have been changed to handle a

It kept reminding me of Britta from Community, and her theory that all male aggression is secretly pent-up homosexuality. Science!

and the obligatory girls-looked-good post
Sure, the songs were shoehorned in. Santana, Quinn, and even Rachel in full-on hair-band getup was damn near worth it.

The other day I was thinking how great of a show this could be if Joss Whedon staged some sort of hostile takeover. "Dream On" is still the only episode I've watched more than once.

with a name like Chord Overstreet (seriously, what the fuck)
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he can sing—but there was one really different-sounding voice in the guys' group number tonight, I was trying to figure it out the whole time who it was. Was it New Kid? He's only really done cutesy soft-listening covers

Hilarious, probably unintentional moment—Blaine goes to Kurt's school with the Patron Saint of the Bullied Gay thing going on still, which I am beginning to suspect may be his entire character—starts right into the "can't we all just get along", and promptly gets shoved into a wall. He was very surprised. This makes

I completely agree that the writing in this episode was alternately wish-fulfillment and heavy-handed after-school-special—I think I may have actually rolled my eyes at at least one point—but I'm going to toss one right into your court here, idiotking, and say that Chris Colfer still managed to be pretty damn good. In

oh god
"Yes, dress shape. I will stick with you. Because I like you. And you are pretty. To me."

He has the most confusing sexuality ever. First there was the obvious gayness. Then the talk of a boyfriend. Then the talk of a son. Then the talk of banging his model? I hope he was joking, because otherwise, I have whiplash.

I have to say, I really love how Gretchen is clearly still dying over Tim Gunn's good opinion after that smackdown earlier this season—she tries to hide it with words like "respect" and "point of view", but she's constantly looking up at him like a baby bird, forcing him into awkward hugs, etc. And it's just as

A theory: is Dianna Agron possibly one of the best actors on the show? She certainly can do a hell of a crying scene, I seem to remember her being absolutely devastating a few times last season, even in the middle of all the schmaltz.

Though the show can pull out some great production numbers sometimes, the heavy-choreography stuff often comes off looking kind of amateurish and silly—but I have to say, that "Le Jazz Hot" number tonight looked snazzy as hell.

I see your Naya Rivera and raise you a Dianna Agron. As smoking hot as Naya is, I don't understand why they insist on pulling her hair back into a tight ponytail when she looks like this with it down: http://content.hollywire.co…

great lines this episode
Valerie on her model's lipstick: "Just not like a streetwalker. Or a figure skater."

I don't think I've ever cried at reality TV before, and I feel kind of stupid for doing it, but yeah, Mondo destroyed me last night. As if we needed another reason to pull for him—and what with the reality show emphasis on shouting your sob story at the nearest camera at the first possible moment, I find that the rare

Was it just me?
The fuck was up with the editing this week? I mean, I know that editing on reality shows is a copy-and-paste-for-maximum-effect hackjob at best, but I can't remember ever seeing an episode that sounded this sloppy—people were literally being cut off mid-sentence, and it wasn't even subtle. Maybe it was

Bryan as a guest judge was kind of surprising—don't they usually want people with, you know, personality? Then again, I do inexplicably remember that his name is spelled with a Y.

Weirdly enough, this was the first night where I actually sort of liked Angelo—he's been annoying the fuck out of me so far, but his honest, accurate assessment of Amanda's ribs sort of suddenly made all of his "I'm the best, I'm cooking the best food" bullshit suddenly seem sort of…also accurate. Sure, he's a jerk,

You're forgetting awesome Jennifer from last season—until her minor self-destruct there at the end, she was pretty professionally, icily kicking ass. And how much did the producers want her to be the villain that she never turned into? How. Much.

I have to say, I was pretty surprised to see that up there. I mean, sure, "gluten-free" is an annoying yuppie trend, I'll agree to that in an instant.