Jessica Rabbit

As much as Probst does annoy me from time to time, fuck do I love him for those tribal council chats. In the whole genre that this show has spawned, he's the only reality show host that you have to take into account as an actual factor in the game. He may not "know" anything before those chats, per se, but he's smart

nothing about Eli's unicorn comment
i giggled.

Oddly enough, it's always been a bit of a reverse for my parents and I. They always had good taste in movies but not terribly current taste, were always turning on Hitchcock and Frank Capra movies for me. I, in turn, grew up and got all crazy about all forms of media, and have spent the last few years introducing them

I like to watch people watching things
That might not be the best possible way to write subject heading, but I can't be bothered to change it.

I missed out on Idol tonight too, but it was due to a Gilmore Girls marathon that seems to require a full 72-hour commandeering of the television. This makes me unexpectedly cranky, and in my current cranky mood, I vastly appreciated your review. Be cranky more often, Claire. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The last two guys I've dated have started at Facebook friends. God, that's so sad, now that I think about it, but it's a good way for me to get my foot in the door. If I casually meet someone I find myself interested in, it's now socially acceptable for me to add them on Facebook, even though we're not really friends,

Having grown up in the military, Facebook has been vastly useful to me for years, and vastly useful lately for having long and wonderful arguments with people I haven't talked to in years who I've missed arguing with.

Agreed, Noel—I didn't like Julia Roberts, I liked Clive Owen a great deal, and I absolutely loved Wilkinson and Giamatti. I liked the editing despite its occasional cutesiness, I liked the screwball dialogue even when the stars couldn't pull it off, I liked the fuck-you gutsiness of the ending. And the opening credits

Sebastian Stan
I have to say, I'm surprised at how well he's handling his role—it would have been easy to play Jack in a lazy way. Considering that his past credits are mostly "Gossip Girl" and "The Covenant", he's been far above my expectations so far. I keep remembering his face from the pilot, when his dad is

This has been a running joke in my apartment for weeks now, ever since we watched the semi-scary trailer that promptly lost all scariness once "The Haunting In Conneticut" popped up onscreen. My roommate promptly walked over to our US map, put down a random finger, and rechristened it "The Haunting in Duluth."

I fucking LOVE those new Comcast commercials. They're so creepy and weird! I love them with all my heart and soul.

Yeah, in the interest of fairness, Yummsh, I have weird taste in men. Don't give up hope.

Oh God, I still love Adam. The slicked back hair last night…yum. It's just increasingly possible that I love Kris even more.

See, Scott??
(It's a figure of speech. Of course you can't see.)

Watching Kris snap and sing aniimatedly along with Stevie Wonder produced emotions in me similar to the ones I get when I see a golden retriever puppy. He is fast replacing Adam as my first-string Idol Crush. He's actually got a distinct advantage over Adam, crush-wise, seeing as he is not actually gay. I hear

Darn, not Matt
That guy is so boring to me. I guess technically he's a good/great singer, but he's extremely uninteresting. I would even say that he's more uninteresting than Justin TImberlake himself, because occasionally I can be bothered to remember that Justin Timberlake exists.

Honestly, that was the preconception that kept me away for two years or so, Leppo. I have a huge prejudice against sports movies and TV shows, I avoid them like the plague. Basically what I'm saying is that if I can do it, you can do it. Probably.

Here's how I read that: it doesn't matter if it's universally beloved, because it's not universally watched. But it is much, MUCH loved by those who watch it. Hooray for hair-splitting!

Got my roommate hooked last Tuesday and we watched until 6 in the morning. It was awesome.

Not even offended, Yummsh. I love cookies.