Son of Now See Here

Joe Kelly's run on Deadpool was about as good as that comic and character ever got.

She occupies such a strange place in Batman continuity.

But if you had any trace of decency you wouldn't!

You can also get that from cannibalism!

Lots of older dudes really honestly do not know how to take care of themselves in the domestic sense.

I try not to think about that.

It has already happened. The fog is already there. The Russian thing is such a nest of Hucksters and conspiracy theories. There are people who take Eric Garland seriously. There is an honest to goodness conspiracy industry being built up around it.



I'm almost as angry at the tweeness of this as I am at the Marshmallow shop.

Oh….you'd know.

That marshmallow store still makes me angry!

Say it.

In all seriousness as near as I can tell the majority of pokemon go players are middle aged asian men.

I think part of this is that media people have a vastly difference social experience to, say, the dental hygenists and sue's from marketing of the world and also tend to assume a universiality to that experience. In this case the use of the hot new app.

I'm not judging any of you. I've seen too much to do that anymore.

As a tall man on a train I can see all your apps.

We can say fuck here, Idiotking.

You have a near permanent Republican majority for the foreseeable future now, though.

The entire idea of the center is 'They get shit done.'