Son of Now See Here

BSS was the soundtrack to the time I almost had an affair with a married woman.

In fact, I kind of feel if you cut out all the baby driver bits you would have had a genuinely great crime film. Jamie Foxx was fantastic for example.

They did.

He was the least interesting part of the film.

Is Powder made by the child molester?

That was the 90's and the Clinton years that created that in all honesty. Political nihilism was a response the thirdwayism and you didn't really have a climate where it wasn't applicable until Trump came along and even then it's as much because of his violation of political norms rather than what he's doing. Which

How is not reporting the name excluding the possibility of reporting? They reported now without reporting the name. How is not including the weird threat significantly change the current article beyond the absence of the threat?

Don't publish the name and don't promise the troll anything.

Didn't they rape him to death last season?

The recurring idea that South Park is somehow a driving force behind the current political climate is one of those things that we should perhaps be far less generous about. We should be even less kind to the need to place pop culture bullshit at the center of the political conversation to the point where it starves

They had a decision to make, yes. But it is seperate from the idea that the processes behind this decision or the decision itself be made public.

I'm talking about the basic social mechanics of the internet.

That's kind of an issue though. While this guys current being an asshole on the internet is news worthy will his future asshole behaviour be newsworthy beyond the newsworthiness of some guy being an asshole on the internet.

Isn't that how most governships happen? I mean, the basic component of the United States government at almost every level is 'mediocre lawyer'

Basic Parenting 101 from a gigantic news media corporation is somehow even worse than the petty threat that it currently is.

No. That's the answer. Not make the threat. That's what needs to change. It's not a complicated thing. It's a valid internal conversation. But as a public process, it's a threat to keep in line or else.

It's not that they made him apologise it's that one of the motivating factors in not reporting his name was the apology gibberish.

It's just something that has a very different message if you make it both contingent on his apology and a public conversation.

Somehow 'We Are The Journalist And Have The Power To Break You If We So Choose' is not the counterargument to my issues with this that you think it is.

Not made the threat at all.