Son of Now See Here

A lot of incredibly awful people liked Barb. She is the patronj saint of the Fun Killers of the internet.

There were some terrible fucking thinkpieces from people who identified with her and thus discussed her in language one would use to refer to a mid tier saint.

I did indeed mean McCoy.

Ace sucked. She was an escapee from a right on 80's british kids show. It was probably called School Farm or something where a bunch of inner city kids went down to live on a farm.

That's being awfully generous to both Ace and the McGann period as a whole.

Well, fuck

The Democrats decided not to fight the Health Care act in order to have leverage for Russian sanctions.

It's being released in big fat tpbs and may actually complete the run this time.

I say we burn the place down.

So next week probably my favourite manga of the past few years Golden Kamuy gets an official english release. It's pretty fucking great. People should buy it.

Unless you're raiding hardcore, WHM will be fine. It's got issues but ehn. I also kind of suspect that raids may have a different design focus given how some of the classes have been changed.

Stormblood. Hours and hours of Stormblood.

Sah! I say Sah! I accept your challenge! I was just walking home from the convention for southern colonels, generically European nobility and eighties Japanese tycoons and I heard mention of dueling! As did these forty other gentlemen!

Jesus yes. In my nerd dating years it was a whole thing because Fuck you Anne Rice and to this day it still kind of set my teeth on edge.

Runequest was a genuinely fantastic thing in a particularly 70's Hippie way. Trollpak is probably one of the most influential game supplements ever.

When I was a kid we had Dragon Warriors instead of D&D. Because the Dragon Warriors books were both mass market paperbacks and in every school library and D&D was expensive.

Dude is a mini-industry though he may have less involvement in some of his films than his directors credit would suggest.

Dude also made a bunch of kids movies. Or 'made' them.

Don't worry, I'm sure every review will make it about Trump anyway.

Gamma World gets re-released every few years it feels like.