Son of Now See Here

See that makes it worse. It means Marisa Tomei Aunt May would have banged both Doctor Octopus and possibly Mole Man.

Looking up Valeria I discovered that a man who lapsed into criminality in his late 60's had a daughter who was young enough to need her mother to run away with her from his life of crime.

Al Jazeera is also a mouthpiece of Emirate. While less obvious in the west they are apparently way, way, way less subtle about it in the middle east.

When I saw it earlier I was wondering why they chose something that looked so much like a bad photoshop.

The Cypress stick is fun because it's both an reference to Dragon Quest in general and DQ3 (From Which Every JRPG Springs) With it's sad final entry being that it's from some random kid rather than the hero of DQ3 as it's leading you to believer

You've also got the two expansions.

There's also A bit of a denouement at the end where you meet up with whatever leader you chose and discover that Pagan Min was right about the best thing you can do being to kill all of them because the ground that it's all built on is essentially poisoned and hope someone better takes over.

It shifted from a good vehicle for a series of horror vignettes to a self-referential SCP universe where this big horrible monster is friends with this tiny monster and so forth.

Yes. This is the most insufferable thing you could have done. So kudos on that, I guess.

Oh you are fucking kidding me, GJI.

It's a very good film but I think it joins It Follows in the Horror Films For People Who Don't Like Horror Films Much genre.

It's good for stuff that pertains to your interest. Treating it as a broader community rather than something like live journal or Tumblr or, and this probably the best analogue, Usenet is probably the mistake.

SCP got way too cute about itself.

This makes me angry.

Could be worse. She could have owned slaves and then written a section in their book that sounds bizarrely like antebellum era slave rationales.

I on the other hand do want to tell him how to jack off.

The key is Dad Jokes. Geralt needs to make many, many terrible Dad Jokes.

I loved mafia 3 though I found the game parts themselves mostly servicable in a fun but standard issue kind of way. It does however have a seriously great design on the main character and story.

She looks like they got every Melbourne girl and averaged them out.

They were secretly ruled by an evil wizard. I'm not entirely sure they are.