Son of Now See Here

The fact that South Korea was ruled by an evil wizard will never stop being one of my favourite things.

Mildly Amusing is being a little generous there.

PWR BTTM in the age of trump.

It had a pretty good first couple of issues and then ehhhn.

Stephen Fry, like all english actors of a certain age, is a whore.

Look, I'm all for being needlessly cruel to millenials but…

When I first saw that a the height of New York Media People Cannot Shut The Fuck Up About Hamilton it kind of felt like Todd saw all the other disturbingly gushing Hamilton articles and said 'I can top that.'

I think TVDW did tend to be a little too generous to the intellectual underpinnings of any show with a female lead and this was kind of the nadir of it. Excuses were made and arguments made about the nature of sitcoms and comedy and the Occupy Generation that would have been made about no other show.

But it's the voice of the Occupy Generation!

A week ago I never heard of PWR BTTM.

I'm actually trying to think of good runs on all-star style team books that didn't go the Morrison JLA route and just run it like an event comic.

I'm gonna stand by it. In fact, I'm also going to go to bat for Byrnes FF as well.

I think it sort of comes down to Hickman is willing to do something interesting that involves superheroes whereas a lot of these guys, while good, tend to want to tell a superhero story. He tends to have a story he wants to tell and he tells it.

It's something I thought I'd have to hand and am kind of surprised I don't. But I'm assuming there's something out there somewhere. Edgar Cooke kind of still quietly looms large in the Perth psyche.

As a small child the Birnies were a constant presence on the news. They were very much a piece of the eighties in Perth.

I think Todd tend to be a little too gushing about shows with lady main characters and nowhere was it more apparent than 2 Broke Girls.

I hope they bring her back to life so no one can care because the face of this miracle is Barb and then murder her so no one can care again.

That was what I said. You'd have to be some sort of moral degenerate to suggest I wrote Rogue Warrior.

No Afro means No Watch.

It really is a genuinely strange thing. Shows like this kind of peter out and die a sad strange death with none of the original cast left, not go out on solid ratings for a second tier sitcom.