Son of Now See Here

At a certain point it turns into his spider sense warning him not to eat eggs because he's going to have cholesterol problems in his 40's.

Getting the inevitable Sewer Train comment out of the way, I kinda hope this one actually includes the gangbang simply because I want proof it isn't some kind of Sinbad Genie Movie collective hallucination.

Remember when Hillary held a press conference to condemn a cartoon frog?

We have TV reviews?

One time Justin Bieber stayed at the boutique hotel near me and made me late for work because of the hundreds of little girls lurking outside.

To be honest until that last sentence, for a moment there I was trying to work out which part of the political spectrum you were talking about there because the internet is a terrible place.

It's pretty good.

I only dicked around with it a bit on a friend vita and it's not great at all but it's an interesting idea at least. Has a nice soundtrack.

Peebee is every goddamn thing I loathe about Bioware quirky girl party members.

It's just…

It's pretty heavily refined from the first one, yeah. Open world areas and the battle grounds are a lot more dungeon-y and dynamic. The monsters you can summon are vastly more useful and there's a lot less 'guard the fragile asshole while they wander about'.

There is a tendency to pretend it didn't actually exist on Sony's behalf. It's the strangest thing.

To be honest it's a game where I like the idea more than the game itself. But according to google…maybe?

I didn't! Because it was boring and my party irritated me and the lengthy animations between planets filled me with an intense fury.

So, finished Persona 5?

It's a probable scenario but I do think there's a couple of things working against that. The Nat's will freak the fuck out because that deal will seal their end and there are no signs that One Nation has learnt anything from the last time they had a shot.

I'm not sure it's dysfunctional at this point. I think it's just the way the government works now.

To be fair I still can't work out how to get dental insurance.

It's one of those things that's fascinating because it's the first genuinely large pop cultural phenom in a long time, maybe twenty years or so, that a generation of younger online popculture commenting types don't 'get' and they are frightened and confused because it's happening to them way younger than they

Lessee…Rage…Rage…Rage…Rage….Hatred of Millenials….Fury…..