Son of Now See Here

This is something that I'm still kind of grasping as an old internet how many people I used to know have ended up in prominent media positions or, for some reason, as YA authors.

I thought he'd be more prominent during the Trump thing but he kinda missed the boat there.

I hadn't thought about the Drudge Report in years.

Someone wants to be the Cronut.

And then they saw this was made and all the votes retroactively went for Trump. Plants withered. Birds died. Ballots changed to Trump.

But if we're judging things by their effect on the political discourse, The Daily Shows influence was greater and therefor it's sins should be held to higher scrutiny.

But it's a fundamental idea underlying the Daily Show and South Park was never the only news show young people were watching, which raises a whole bunch of current issues in and of itself.

We should kill them.

Sushi covers a wide variety of sins. Including spam.

I mean, it's essentially just a fish sandwich but it would be so horribly buttery in a way that just doesn't go with japanese flavours.

This is why Trump won.

The demand for bipartisanship as a political norm after it had clearly become untenable did more actual material damage than anything South Park has done.

Are we letting Stewart and Colbert slide for the Return to Sanity bit? Because in real terms that probably did more damage than anything South Park said did.

To be fair, people were treating SNL like a cultural irrelevancy until it started singing maudlin songs about the election.

Which is why I think blaming South Park or Bernie or whatever is not only kind of stupid by actively harmful to any hope of defeating Trump. Because it lets people pretend it wasn't their fualt.

The Alt-Right, as a movement, is a distraction. There are probably more Zortastians in the US than Alt-Righters and their main power is that they go harass journalist directly, which makes them freak out and probably has more to do with the online medias greatest failing, the assumption that their personal experiences

Aw. Come on man. You don't wanna have this fight.

It gets used because people started using the language of trauma as political language. It's not like someone started diving in and going after the PTSD people. The time to object to that was way before it started being used as an insult.

Clinton lost because the 90's Clinton project of 'We'll bend over backwards for business while being mildly progressive on a few social issues that won't cost us votes' has largely failed to the point where it was unable to make a strong case against a lunatic and had failed a while back while mostly being elided over

Because it means their time frowning at this and making sure people knew Hamilton was the most important work of art in the past 20 years was a politically important and valid activity rather than just talking about pop culture online. Because for a lot of people here that's their only politics.